Tag Archive | shine

Early Bird AND Night Owl


Daily Prompt: Your Time to Shine

Early bird, or night owl?


I wasn’t planning on writing this morning, but when the Daily Prompt came through, I had to jump on it ~ early bird?  I just wrote about that here!   I love my precious mornings!  The dawning of a new day filled with promise ~ the sun rising to light up the earth ~ I imagine it’s the beginning of an all day smile!

But night owl, oh yes!  I can do that too!  Especially since many nights I wake up and can’t fall back to sleep!  Yes, I endure insomnia as well.  But this night owl can also hoot it up and party when needed ~ although the next morning, her early bird may be dragging a bit.  I can’t hoot like I used to anymore, but I always enjoy going out!

So…to answer the Daily Prompt ~ I SHINE ALL DAY and ALL NIGHT!

How about you?  Early bird or night owl?

Shine On!


Daffodils for You!


I took this picture this morning of one of the daffodils on my kitchen table because it made me smile and I thought I’d share it with you today.  The daffs are not blooming in my yard yet as it’s too cold.  They are still just green shoots coming out of the cold hard earth.  But they are there, heralding the beginning of Spring, just waiting for the perfect moment to shine their yellow sunshine on all.

Spring to me is a rebirth ~ just like every dawn which comes my way.  It’s a newness from which the hope of a new day springs for me.  Daffodils remind me that the struggle of winter’s barrenness is over and with it comes the rebirth of creativity and  the newness of Spring which enter the soul.

I took my picture, uploaded it to my free SendOutCards account and made it into a greeting card within 5 minutes!  If you look closely you can see the green dotted outline of what is printed on the card ~ almost all of my images are that way because I make my own greeting cards and/or use the ones from the SOC (SendOutCards) catalog to make make my images for my blog.  Obviously the green dots aren’t on the greeting card, this is just how it shows what the image will look like so that I can make sure that my image is within the green dotted line which is what’s printed on the card!   I’d love to share my daffodil with you ~ if you send me your address, I’ll send you a card!  Wouldn’t you enjoy a surprise in your mailbox amidst the bills and junk mail?  I’d love to send you a smile today!

Hugs to all of you!

Thanks for reading my blog post!

Shine On!


P.S.  Any more March birthdays out there?

Be the Change…


be the change you wish to see in the world ~ gandhi

Did you get a chance to see The Shift that I wrote about here?  What did you think of it?  Did you enjoy it?  Did you feel delicious afterwards?  Were you inspired?  I felt all of the above plus I felt such an amazing connection that I want to lead the parade to be the change we wish to see in the world!  Want to join me?

Change is a great word ~ albeit a scary one to many as it involves the unknown which many times strikes fear in the hearts of those not ready to go with the flow.  My nature was to fear the unknown, but lately I’ve been feeling the urge to go with the flow and not worry so much about things.  Call it a bit of peace?  A bit of knowing?  A bit of feeling more confident by trusting in God/Universe/Angels/Me.

I’m not saying that I’m completely over worry or fear, but I’m sure as heck trying!  You see, I want inner peace and I want you all to enjoy it as well.  That delish feeling of being present and at peace!  Since I got a taste of it last week, it’s like having a small taste of  the most decadent chocolate (for a chocolate lover like me) and then knowing that the whole cake is there whenever I want it (but having to watch my waistline so I have to be careful not to eat it all at once without having any left!)  The kid in me wants to gobble it all down and hope for more.

Wait!!  I can conceivably gobble it all down, enjoy it abundantly and know that there’s more delicious chocolate cake to enjoy!

Huh?  You might be thinking…what is this post about?  To what is she referring?  Has she gone off her diet or her rocker?

Why YES ~ I am off the diet of fear!  I am off the diet of feeling afraid of change…I am off the diet of feeling starved for the delicious feeling of peace and presence!  Are you?

I spoke with my friend AAngel yesterday who talks about her job incessantly.  Whenever we chat on the phone, it is always about her job and how she has this deal and that deal that must be closed by this timeline and she’s always crazy busy, doing 2 things at once.  She means well, but I know when we get on the phone, she’ll be multi-tasking, sending emails while I’m talking etc.  Yesterday I mentioned that if she dislikes her job so much that she should find a new one.  Perhaps it’s time for a change?  There are plenty of jobs out there for her amazing skills and she could find one that makes her feel less-harried and more fulfilled.  I mentioned The Shift to her and she quickly dismissed it saying that she didn’t have 2 hours to sit and watch a movie because there was so much to do ~ work, being a mom, a wife, and needing to make money…and I understood as I’ve been in her shoes…but no more!

My life circumstances haven’t changed from the outside ~ no windfalls or lottery wins (yet!), but inside, there’s been the shift and it’s curious to me how it’s opened up a place of peace in my heart, my soul, myself.  This morning I awoke with my entire insides vibrating like the wings of a hummingbird with different thoughts of possibility!  I feel inspired today, like anything is possible and I’m loving it!  So please be patient with me if my post were a bit disjointed.  I’m having trouble focusing as there are so many wonderful possibilities for today!

Come SHIFT with me to the DELICIOUS side

of possibility, of change and of inner/outer peaceful presence! 

The infinite chocolate cake is decadent! 🙂

Shine On!


Angelic Wings Embrace…

“We are, each of us angels with only one wing,

and we can only fly by embracing one another.” -Luciano de Crescenzo

I want to thank you all for everything  ~ I wanted to find the right card from my SendOutCards catalog to post today ~ one that would perfectly describe how I’m feeling since my last post and I am hoping that you feel the same way I do ~ that this one says it all.

To all of you who took a moment to think of me, to vibe, to Reiki, to pray, to read, to bless, to comment, to call, to write and to visit…my heartfelt gratitude goes out to you as words cannot accurately describe the tingling of change I’m feeling…and I know that its power is immeasurable and I’m confident that with baby steps, I am turning the corner…

It’s a good lesson to learn my friends ~ yet another one in my life that I’ve been given before and tried to reject.  So perhaps that’s what this post is all about ~

We are all connected.

Together we can make Miracles.

We are not meant to do it all alone.

Even the strongest oak needs help.

Separately, we can only walk…

Embracing each other allows us to fly!

So let’s soar together my friends, each and every day. 

Allow me to be your ‘wing gal’ and together we share the enthusiasm for life’s flight!

My heartfelt gratitude to you ~

for being My Wings.

Shine and Soar On!


Requesting the Power of Prayer


May the power of prayer comfort and lift your burdens.

I, myself, believe in the power of prayer.  I also believe in the Power of Positive Thinking.  I have friends who ‘vibe’ for me as they are not inclined to call it prayer, but more akin to sending powerful, positive, healing vibrations to me.  Believe me, I accept any and all good thoughts, healing feelings, powerful prayers etc. and I am blessed to say that I have enjoyed the fruits of their Reiki, their loving energy and their healing messages.

So when I ask today for a bit of help from you all, I hope you won’t mind taking a moment of your time to think of me.  You see, it’s been a really hard year for me.  Perhaps I’m throwing a bit of a pity party this morning ~ because in reality, there’s nobody who is always 100% happy and inspirational 100% of the time ~ not even me, although I do try to be ~ I try with all of my heart and being to be.

But this morning, I’m not feeling it and although I debated whether to write this post, I think that it’s only fair to show that I’m a real person who gets down like everyone else, but who, I hope, inspires you all by getting back up everyday and moving forward ~ even if it’s only a baby step forward.  I try to look at the sunshine through the clouds, remember that the rain falls to feed the beautiful flowers (and to make rainbows) and that the age old mantra of what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger makes me a 2 ton indestructable ox today. 🙂

My body is tired and needs extra care now after this surgery.  It seems that after 4 this year alone, it’s just not bouncing back the way it ought to and it’s having some difficulties in healing as I found out from my surgeon’s visit yesterday.  I need my body to heal so that I can continue on with Christmas as it’s only a week away and I’m floundering under this new burden.  Sometimes, we all need a bit of help and for some of us, it’s more difficult to ask for than it is to give.  So I’m learning…and I”m asking…and I have faith that I’ll receive.

I know we’re cyberly connected ~ that’s the beauty of blogs ~ so my request is simple…Please take a moment and send me a healing thought, message, vibe, prayer, Reiki ~ whatever you choose.  I need a little extra strength today and I’m counting on you.  I’m sending blessings out to the Universe with every post and especially this one so if you would please send back some love, I’d be most appreciative.  I started counting my blessings and not my troubles this morning in hopes of turning this situation around, but I feel like I could use a bit of back up ~ hence my post and request.

I believe we are a community ~ I believe that each of us has the power to change lives and together ~ well, together we can make miracles.  I’m not asking for a miracle, just a little healing.  I’m not dying any faster than anyone else ~ but I could sure use some powerful vibes to heal me.  So, if you are inclined, I’d be grateful to you today.

Hugs to all of you ~ you make my heart sing with your words, your blogs and your energies!

Shine On my friends…Shine On!

Thank you!
