
Ring Ring Ring

Lately, and without any rhyme or reason that I can tell, my doorbell rings. It’s in the mornings around the same time (within 10 minutes) and not every morning. There can be days of silence with no ringing whatsoever, then there are other days…

Sometimes, it rings just once, but often, it continues ringing every few minutes for about 30 minutes until it suddenly disappears. It’s taken me about a month to stop jumping at the sound of the doorbell thinking that someone’s there.

Because there’s no one there that I can see. (Notice how I said that?)

So, I have begun to think that there’s either a short in the doorbell that only happens in the mornings or that there’s something beyond my physical comprehension going on…I’m going with the latter choice.

At first I thought it was my friend’s husband Jack playing tricks on me. I called his wife Bobbi to check in on her and found out that she had been sad around the same time and had been asking her deceased husband for a sign…which makes sense. Are you curious as to why her deceased husband would be coming through to me by ringing my doorbell?

Well, here’s the reason… click here!

You can also see what other signs he’s given on her blog Tales from the Bobbilama or read more about her book on her author page Bobbi Rise. It’s being released on 12/12 which is exactly two years from when he passed away.

I’m not quite convinced that it’s only Jack who’s the dead ringer -(oh I’m sorry, but I couldn’t help myself)…by the way if you knew him, he’d be enjoying my joke – as she’s not always asking for a sign from him when the bell rings. I wonder who else it could be? Do you have any ideas?

Shine On!


Hearts Afire

Last night I didn’t sleep well. Tossing and turning and having the strangest of dreams. Did you have a similar night? I kept dreaming about hearts, the ones deep within our chest cavity, almost to the point that I wondered if I were going to wake up this morning. But here I am…so smile…all is well.

Perhaps it is the unrest in the world barging into my unconsciousness…

It’s Pinktober again with all the pink splashed across the pumpkins for Breast Cancer Month. Being that I’m many years since diagnosis on New Year’s Eve of 2001, I hoped to write today to remind us all to be grateful for each and every day. Because we just never know when a curveball could arrive to knock us out of our comfy spots…not that to my knowledge I have anything brewing, but that small whisper in the back of the brain never quite leaves me, even when I do my best to muffle it. Breast Cancer Awareness Month in all its glory doesn’t help either…if you know what I mean.

However, I’m still here. Still counting my blessings. Still getting up every morning with a heart full of gratitude for just the smallest of gifts and the Presents of Presence to know in my heart that I am still here for my family and friends, still doing my best to make a positive difference in someone else’s life everyday. At least that’s my goal…and so far, so good.

I hope today finds you happy and healthy. I hope that your heart is full of love and that you take a moment to find the Presents of Presence for there are many. Just being in the moment is a gift that you give to yourself and to others. Enjoy this day for there shan’t be another like it. God bless.

Shine On!


October 2023

Good morning!! Happy First of October 2023 to you! Did you remember our tradition? Saying Rabbit-rabbit-white-rabbit-white-rabbit! If you don’t know what I’m talking about, just click on the link!

I’m very excited for this month! While the beginning of the school year always revvs me up with the new chapter that it opens, October begins the meaty part of this next chapter. It’s where we feel the shifts that are happening, all the inner work that we’ve been working on begins to show its progress and between the foliage changing with its jeweled colors, the trees (and our) letting go of what no longer serves us and the leaves reminding us to ‘be-leaf’ (giggle giggle – silly pun intended) in our selves…well, what could be better at this very moment?! Oh yes, and a full harvest moon!!

I awoke this morning with so much gratitude in my heart. While I’m always thankful to even wake up in the mornings, today was a bit different. There’s an energy in my giddy-up that I don’t want to ignore. I want to celebrate it – celebrate you – so thank you for being here with me all these years.

Now do you see why I’m so happy? I hope that you are as well…

Shine On!


Love Will Return In Another Way

At 40, Franz Kafka (1883-1924), who never married and had no children, was walking through a park one day in Berlin when he met a girl who was crying because she had lost her favorite doll. She and Kafka searched for the doll unsuccessfully.

Kafka told her to meet him there the next day and they would come back to look for her.

The next day, when they had not yet found the doll, Kafka gave the girl a letter “written” by the doll saying “Please don’t cry. I took a trip to see the world. I will write to you about my adventures.”

Thus began a story which continued until the end of Kafka’s life.

During their meetings, Kafka read the letters of the doll carefully written with adventures and conversations that the girl found adorable.

Finally, Kafka brought back the doll (he bought one) that had returned to Berlin.

“It doesn’t look like my doll at all,” said the girl.

Kafka handed her another letter in which the doll wrote: “My travels have changed me.” The little girl hugged the new doll and brought the doll with her to her happy home.

A year later Kafka died.

Many years later, the now-adult girl found a letter inside the doll. In the tiny letter signed by Kafka it was written:

“Everything you love will probably be lost, but in the end, love will return in another way.”

Embrace change. It’s inevitable for growth. Together we can shift pain into wonder and love, but it is up to us to consciously and intentionally create that connection.

Happy Saturday! I hope you enjoyed the story above as much as I did! There’s so much here to unpack, especially the kindness and the inspiration for changing our mindsets. Because sometimes when we lose someone/something, we mourn for a long time and forget to pick our heads up to see that life goes on. Life changes us, but when we continue to have hope, inspiration and love in our hearts, we find that we are changed for the better….

Shine On!


The Power of Sisterhood

I have a sister. She’s younger, although once, by accident, an old man thought I was her daughter…and yes, in the only way an older sister can ever have a moment of fun, I’ve never let her forget it! Giggle Giggle…it was a once in a lifetime slip from an old man whom I’ll never correct!! Heck, I’ll never ever correct him because it’s the last time I’ll ever be mistaken for her daughter! Big huge grin…ha ha ha….

But there’s nothing like having a sister, as you may know if you have one yourself. Hopefully you are close to your sister, but if you aren’t, I think it’s time to reach out and to invite her back into your life. Because she’s the only one who really gets your childhood. She was there. She knows and if you’re lucky, she understands.

The other day my sister called to see what I was doing and before I knew it, she picked me up and we took a drive together. I’ve recently moved about 10 minutes away from her, having been faraway for a long time, and let me tell you, it was the BEST DECISION I’ve made in years. We’ve been through a lot together and perhaps it’s fair to say, we haven’t always seen eye to eye. But what she’s taught me is that she’ll never leave me and I’ll never leave her, especially now that there’s just the two of us. What a precious gift to know that you are loved unconditionally with the ability to trust in the other person without question!

It’s taken us time to get to this level of understanding. Heart to heart talks with the willingness to listen and to be with the other without judgment have enhanced our relationship. Honesty and unconditional love are necessary parts of this journey. Celebrating our similarities and differences is too! Knowing we are blessed and counting those blessings makes it even more precious. Choosing to share this journey with all of its life lessons…what a blessing to have someone to hold your hand (or your foot!)while you navigate the sticky parts of life!

So to my parents, especially today Mom, I will be forever grateful that you gave me a sister to love. To my sister, I am blessed and extremely grateful to call you my best friend as well as my sister! Thanks for being YOU!

Shine On!


Monday’s Hawk

Buster pup and I went for a walk yesterday a few times. We had a unique visitor watching us, forgive the pun, like a hawk! In fact, it felt a little stalkish as both times when we went outside, he appeared as if he’d been waiting for us and hung around nearby, watching us. Luckily for both Buster and me, we’re not little – so the hawk, even with his friend who graced us with its presence, couldn’t have carried either of us away! So, I can only figure his intention was to make his presence known.

This is a benign hawk encounter for me. Whew. The last one was here and I’ll never forget it. Like my Mom used to say, “It sounds like a story (lie) to tell it” but believe me, it’s completely true!

I have a friend who’s very good at animal totems, knowing about wildlife encounter meetings and meanings thereof, so I checked in with her after I figured out it was a hawk and not an osprey. She sent me a bunch of information about it which I found fascinating…because we’re at the edge of a new moon and in a cycle that’s full of upheavals, right before the Lion’s Gate on 8/8 which is coming.

Have you ever had an encounter with a hawk? It was very interesting to be watched by one for a long period of time. While Buster didn’t seem bothered by it as he was too busy sniffing and marking his territory, I was busy noticing our avian friend. This comes on the heels of a week ago when three vultures were seen perched on the electric pole outside my home for quite awhile. I wonder who those three were spiritually? LOL Luckily they flew away and I never even knew they’d stopped by until a friend mentioned it. I had thought my wildlife connection was gone since I moved, but obviously, they’ve found me again. Now I’d just like to visit with my bunnies…Oh wait, my sister has baby bunnies in her yard…I’ll stop by her home to get my fix!

I hope all is well with all of you! We’re settling in nicely here and enjoying the new neighborhood. I love that one of my former students is my neighbor! The world is really small when you are open to connecting and sharing yourself…it’s fun that my sons now get to see a different side of their mom because I’m back in my element! Life is good!

Shine On!


A Father’s Presence

It’s been many years since my Dad passed away, but his presence is still often felt nearby. This statue from WillowTree was gifted to me by my Mom many years ago and it reminds me of my younger self talking with my Dad, for at that age, I had long brown hair and bangs as well.

I was a Daddy’s girl for a long time. I looked up to him. We had a bit of a tumultous relationship, but in the end I have been able to come to peace with who he was and how he was. I realize that he did his best and I am grateful for what he taught me. Thanks Dad.

I want to wish all of the Dads out there a very Happy Father’s Day. May your day be special and may you feel the love that your family has for you. May you never forget how important you are to your family and may you continue to be a shining example to all.

Shine On!


Happy Birthday Bessie!

I wore the above t-shirt to dinner last night. It was a gift from my sister that she was wearing on the day of my heart surgery one year ago! (We’ve learned that when we insert a little humor into tough situations we make them easier to bear.) For example, the head of cardiaothoracic medicine who did my surgery was no longer Dr. Brown, but instead, on the down low, we called him Farmer Brown because he was the keeper of the cows that save our lives as heart patients. We even nicknamed my cow valve Bessie and toasted to her last night when we all went out to dinner to celebrate my one year heart-aversary! As we were clinking glasses, my sister toasted “Happy First Birthday Bessie” and we all laughed!

This life journey can be so hard sometimes…so it’s a blessing when you can insert a little giggle from time to time, right? Because serious things happen everyday and they could really get you down if you let them. I’m blessed that I have loving family and friends who take care of me and who don’t let me forget that I’m never alone.

“When all is said and done, we are all just walking each other home.”

Ram Dass

My mom always reminded us to count our blessings, so I’m counting you in here too. For many years I’ve been blogging and I’ve made such amazing friends with all of you. Thank you for being here with me and for allowing me to connect with you! I heard from a few of you yesterday and it was such a delight! I’ve missed wriitng here, so hopefully I’ll write more often.

In the meantime, I’m sending heartfelt hugs to all of you! Keep shining your heartlights! May Bessie continue to do her job and let me live a long, long time!

Shine On!


The Beat Goes On…

This song popped into my head this morning and I had to smile. Truthfully, it actually made me laugh aloud because in my mind I can hear Sonny and Cher singing. Can you? If you’re in my age group (50’s) or higher, you may remember their television show and the song.

Why am I giggling at it? Well, the beat goes on…in my chest…and today is Happy Heart-a-versary to me! One year ago I had open heart surgery to fix a genetically deformed aortic valve that I never knew I had until it began making serious problems for me. I can’t believe it’s been a year since that day…so much has happened and like the cancer, it’s changed me in ways I can’t even begin to describe really, even though I may try to here. Right now. While the coffee sinks in and the house is quiet and relaxed as I am knowing my sons and I are safe, happy and all healthy. Because that’s the blessing. It’s in the little things – loved ones are safe, healthy and happy. Period. Nothing more needed for me. I’m a simple Jersey Girl these days.

Peace within is paramount to me. It always has been actually. Putting my head peacefully on the pillow for a good night’s sleep believing I did the best I could that day is key. Connecting with people (and connecting people) is part of my purpose. I know that now. I am not afraid of dying either. I remember being in my 20’s and waking up one morning to tell my parents that I had dreamt I died and it was beautiful. What saddens me to my core would be to leave my loved ones and to move on to the other side. Yet, I know now from personal experience that those who have passed are still around us so hopefully when it’s my time, they’ll be on the lookout for signs from me too!

There’s all these lines about living life now because you never know how long you have here. They’re right. We don’t really know. But what I do know is that we have to make each day count, even if it’s only counting for ourselves in a quiet way. Because the Beat Goes On with or without you…why not build a heartlight legacy to leave behind…as a beacon of hope, a reminder of how love conquers all and how we can all continue to do our best to sleep tonight with peace in our hearts.

Shine On!


Friday Blessings

I moved to a new development where the lawn gets mowed for me on Fridays. What a treat! The flower beds are mulched and the yard really looks lovely without me doing anything but enjoying it! This morning I heard the ride on mower nearby, but Buster (our 1.5 yrs old Golden Retriever puppy) needed to go out.

We stood together in the patio enclosed area for a few minutes as I didn’t know how he’d react to the noisy lawn mower. The same man who I see every week saw me and stopped the mower so we could go out. I love when people are kind, don’t you? So we waved and smiled at each other and Buster and I went for our walk. Once we got a little bit away, I heard the mower again as he finished the job.

Later on, we were walking and the same man was putting away the mower. I thanked him for being so kind and we exchanged pleasantries. He asked if Buster was friendly and if he could pet him. I laughed because Buster has yet to meet a stranger. He considers everyone his friend!

They bonded for a few minutes as I stood there watching them. Buster was practically jumping into the man’s lap as he petted him and both of them (and me!) were smiling from ear to ear. I thanked the man for doing such a beautiful job of landscaping the property and told him how much I appreciated all of the hard work he did for us. He looked at me and exclaimed, “You’re a blessing. Thank you. You have no idea how much I needed to hear that today. Really. Thank you.” He went on to say, “I think I’ll just take the rest of the day off! You made my day! I’ll be skipping all the rest of the day!” I was startled by his response because it was so heartfelt, and so genuine, that I wanted to hug this stranger. “You’re a blessing to do such beautiful work for all of us to enjoy. So thank you!” We stood there smiling at one another as Buster continued to lean into the man who was petting him.

Suddenly Buster, his job now completed, turned to me and grabbed his leash into this mouth to walk himself home. I turned to the landscaper and said, “Well, he’s ready to go home!” We shared a laugh and waved goodbye. All I could think of was, here is a Friday Blessing to share with you! So, there it is.

Speak kindly. See people. Stop and smell the roses. Life is about connections. Being present. Seeing the beauty that is all around us. That man’s smile and shared few minutes with Buster and me made my whole day. You just never know how a kind word can make someone’s day, especially when it’s heartfelt.

Shine On!
