
Oh Deers!

Good morning! Meet Mitzi, Bambi and Fawn – Buster pup’s good morning welcoming committee! These gals and Buster have an understanding as they’re not afriad of him. Instead, they patiently wait while we walk down the street towards them. It was only when a car came up from behind them that they slowly trotted across the street to the nearby forest. Otherwise, I’m sure they would have just continued to watch us.

It’s so curious how they aren’t afraid of him, nor he of them. Mitzi in particular will stand close by as I speak to her with Buster by my side. It’s as if she knows what I’m saying to her and is not frightened in the least. Buster doens’t lunge at them either. Instead, he simply relaxes in their presence and sometimes even sits, leaning against me as we share a present moment with them.

It’s mornings like these that remind me of how far I’ve come, how many changes I’ve endured and how, when I chose to embrace those changes, beautiful precious moments like these are revealed. It’s the uncovering of the magic beneath the muckiness of change that inspires me to continue to allow life to unfold with love and light.

As I type this post, I am staring outside my kitchen window to Mama Robin in her nest. I don’t want to disturb her, but I can see her from here sitting quietly. So, the next time she leaves, I’ll be curious to see if she’s now laid her eggs…what a blessing to watch. I’ll keep you informed!

May you have the most beautiful Saturday filled with inspiration, love and joy! Keep shining your heartlights! I can see them from here!

Shine On!


Mama Bird

This morning I was quietly sitting at my kitchen table like I normally do with Buster pup at my feet when this little one caught my eye. Nestled in the Japanese Maple outside my kitchen window was a nest that I saw when I first toured this home and I took it for a sign. But last year, the nest fell into disarray and I’ll admit, it made me sad. What happened to the bird?

Two days ago, I caught sight of the robin on my window ledge, but I thought it was a fluke until yesterday and today when it landed again and again on the window ledge and then hopped into the foliage of the tree to work on the nest. Those of you who know me can imagine my delight and the huge grin on my face knowing that the robin is back to nest right outside my kitchen window in a safe spot!

I looked up the significance of robins and here’s what I found:

If a robin keeps visiting you in indicates good luck. According to myths and legends, Robins appear once a loved one is dead. Allegedly, the Robin is often seen after you encounter a loss of someone you love, who is the spirit of the deceased person trying to tell you not to worry and that they love you. A simple message from heaven, that this loved one is watching over you. Many people have proven this legend true. Robins also appear spiritually, to remind you to uncover the happiness. To see two robins consequently can indicate that you should share your knowledge. Robins are also associated with the end of an old phase and the entering of a new one. To see Robin means you need to let go of what no longer serves you and find something else to bring you joy and happiness. The Robin bird is encouraging you to be brave again. Click here for The Magic of Robin

Yesterday he even pecked at my window to let me know he was there! I looked it up and read all about how they see their reflection and think it’s another bird, but not this one. It was a rainy day and it hasn’t happened again today when it’s sunny! So I am going to believe that he just wanted my attention.

So, on the eve of Mother’s Day, I have to say how much I love this gift from Mother Nature! To feel as if my Mom and those who love me who have passed on are coming around? Well, that just makes The Presents of Presence even more special, don’t you think?

Shine On!


On a Rainy Tuesday Morning

I awoke way before the sun and laid in bed listening to the rain beating on the windowpanes outside my bedroom. It’s been quite a storm, likely to continue over the next few days. As I laid there awake, snuggled under my blankets, deciding if I really wanted to get up at such an early hour, I began to do what I love to do…think…because lately there’s so much going on in our world.

Alas, the idea of a delicious cup of coffee won out and I tiptoed downstairs, only to light a few twinkly white lights and write to you in the peaceful hours of the morning. I didn’t want to wake my sons, nor the pup. I really wanted this time alone to write. Because lately, life’s full of hubbub and there’s not a lot of time to just ‘be’ in the present moment and relax, think, and count our blessings. Are you finding that as well in your life?

Deep breath…there’s so much to share…to say…are you feeling it too? This strange energetic hubbub that exhausts us, coming up on another solar eclipse on the heels of the Spring Equinox? We just need to relax into it and allow it to pass through…hold on tight…this may be a bumpy ride…

Twinkly white lights and childlike wonder are my speciality. I have always been drawn to an early morning peaceful gratitude session. Knowing my sons are safe and asleep, tucked into their beds in my home has brought me much peace over the years. Someday when they fly the coop, I will still feel their presence here in the early mornings for as long as I can remember, it’s been this way…how many posts have I written where I was up before them, fingers flying over the keys, telling you how I’m feeling? Many, many…there are still some in the drafts. LOL

Today, I send you peace, love, light and healing…and a big ol’ umbrella – well, maybe that’s just for me, unless you need to share!

Shine On!



Keeping with my Jersey Girl roots (note the beach) and being that it’s a Sunday, I thought I’d share hope with you today because it’s powerful!

“Hope” is commonly used to mean a wish and its strength is in the strength of the person’s desire. In the Bible, “hope” is the confident expectation of what God has promised and its strength is in His faithfulness, as in:

Be joyful in hope, patient in afflictions, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12

A few years back, there was a blogger named Bill who had ALS. In case you may remember him, here’s the link to his Unshakable Hope. Bill left this earth on 12/30/2020, but the impact he made on so many of us with his Unshakable Hope remains. I awoke this morning thinking of him (hence the hope blog post) and how he inspired me in so many ways. His presence and writings were a gift to all of us who followed him. Were you one of his subscribers too? His kindness touched us all…what an amazing legacy to leave.

Always remember to shine your heartlight and share your Unshakable Hope with others.

Shine On!



Did you know that today’s date can be written as 12/31/23? Hence the blog post name of 123123 (in case you were wondering)! I thought it was a fun tidbit of news to share on the last day of the year.

As you may know from past posts, today’s a celebration for me too personally – I was diagnosed with breast cancer 22 years ago today. For many years, this day was a sad reminder of how much my life changed until I was able to turn around the narrative and see life differently. The mindset shift for celebration – I’ve lived 22 years since that fateful day – has joyfully changed my life! In fact, that shift has worked its magic in so many areas of my life that I love sharing it with anyone who needs it!

The gratitude I feel for living another year is immense. I am so grateful for my family and friends and those angels who have come into my life. I am grateful for the refillable glass to cheer on the new year!

Today we will celebrate New Year’s Eve along with our Mom’s birthday even though she’s no longer here. It’s become a tradition because it’s a reminder to be grateful for who we have in our lives and never take them for granted.

May your celebrations be merry and bright…full of love and possibilities!

May you continue to shine your heartlights for all to see…

May you always remember how special you are and how much I appreciate you! God Bless!

Happy Blessed New Year!

Shine On!


Hearts Afire

Last night I didn’t sleep well. Tossing and turning and having the strangest of dreams. Did you have a similar night? I kept dreaming about hearts, the ones deep within our chest cavity, almost to the point that I wondered if I were going to wake up this morning. But here I am…so smile…all is well.

Perhaps it is the unrest in the world barging into my unconsciousness…

It’s Pinktober again with all the pink splashed across the pumpkins for Breast Cancer Month. Being that I’m many years since diagnosis on New Year’s Eve of 2001, I hoped to write today to remind us all to be grateful for each and every day. Because we just never know when a curveball could arrive to knock us out of our comfy spots…not that to my knowledge I have anything brewing, but that small whisper in the back of the brain never quite leaves me, even when I do my best to muffle it. Breast Cancer Awareness Month in all its glory doesn’t help either…if you know what I mean.

However, I’m still here. Still counting my blessings. Still getting up every morning with a heart full of gratitude for just the smallest of gifts and the Presents of Presence to know in my heart that I am still here for my family and friends, still doing my best to make a positive difference in someone else’s life everyday. At least that’s my goal…and so far, so good.

I hope today finds you happy and healthy. I hope that your heart is full of love and that you take a moment to find the Presents of Presence for there are many. Just being in the moment is a gift that you give to yourself and to others. Enjoy this day for there shan’t be another like it. God bless.

Shine On!


October 2023

Good morning!! Happy First of October 2023 to you! Did you remember our tradition? Saying Rabbit-rabbit-white-rabbit-white-rabbit! If you don’t know what I’m talking about, just click on the link!

I’m very excited for this month! While the beginning of the school year always revvs me up with the new chapter that it opens, October begins the meaty part of this next chapter. It’s where we feel the shifts that are happening, all the inner work that we’ve been working on begins to show its progress and between the foliage changing with its jeweled colors, the trees (and our) letting go of what no longer serves us and the leaves reminding us to ‘be-leaf’ (giggle giggle – silly pun intended) in our selves…well, what could be better at this very moment?! Oh yes, and a full harvest moon!!

I awoke this morning with so much gratitude in my heart. While I’m always thankful to even wake up in the mornings, today was a bit different. There’s an energy in my giddy-up that I don’t want to ignore. I want to celebrate it – celebrate you – so thank you for being here with me all these years.

Now do you see why I’m so happy? I hope that you are as well…

Shine On!


The Power of Sisterhood

I have a sister. She’s younger, although once, by accident, an old man thought I was her daughter…and yes, in the only way an older sister can ever have a moment of fun, I’ve never let her forget it! Giggle Giggle…it was a once in a lifetime slip from an old man whom I’ll never correct!! Heck, I’ll never ever correct him because it’s the last time I’ll ever be mistaken for her daughter! Big huge grin…ha ha ha….

But there’s nothing like having a sister, as you may know if you have one yourself. Hopefully you are close to your sister, but if you aren’t, I think it’s time to reach out and to invite her back into your life. Because she’s the only one who really gets your childhood. She was there. She knows and if you’re lucky, she understands.

The other day my sister called to see what I was doing and before I knew it, she picked me up and we took a drive together. I’ve recently moved about 10 minutes away from her, having been faraway for a long time, and let me tell you, it was the BEST DECISION I’ve made in years. We’ve been through a lot together and perhaps it’s fair to say, we haven’t always seen eye to eye. But what she’s taught me is that she’ll never leave me and I’ll never leave her, especially now that there’s just the two of us. What a precious gift to know that you are loved unconditionally with the ability to trust in the other person without question!

It’s taken us time to get to this level of understanding. Heart to heart talks with the willingness to listen and to be with the other without judgment have enhanced our relationship. Honesty and unconditional love are necessary parts of this journey. Celebrating our similarities and differences is too! Knowing we are blessed and counting those blessings makes it even more precious. Choosing to share this journey with all of its life lessons…what a blessing to have someone to hold your hand (or your foot!)while you navigate the sticky parts of life!

So to my parents, especially today Mom, I will be forever grateful that you gave me a sister to love. To my sister, I am blessed and extremely grateful to call you my best friend as well as my sister! Thanks for being YOU!

Shine On!


The Kinship of Knowing Your Past

When your parents have left this earth, you are reminded how fragile and short this time is. You find that relationships are more precious and family is more important. You just know in your heart that every day counts like it never did before now. – YD

I moved back ‘home’ to a town near to where I grew up. It’s been one of the best decisions I’ve made over the past few years since I’ve been divorced. Because there’s something about being around people who know you, who knew you, that is so very comforting. Becuase they remind you of your essence, of who you were (and are). It brings us together, even after so many years of being apart.

We’re also at an age when our parents have begun to leave this earth. Sometimes the people you know in real time (adulthood) don’t know your parents, so there’s a kinship when someone just gets it because they remember your childhood, remember your parents, and you know that they do…

It’s the same when you can be that person for someone else. I have friends whose Mom passed away many years ago. Recently her Dad passed too. My childhood memories are filled with this sweet family. I hope it can give them some comfort to reminisce with me like it does for me with them. Because it brings our loved ones back to life in a certain way. It gives life to our shared memories of them and allows us to hold them closer for a bit.

Both of my parents have passed away. I miss them and when their dates come around, my sister and I (along with our families) try to do something to honor them. Perhaps it’s because we’ve been through so many losses that we want to do this still…perhpas it will change over time. Perhaps not. But our celebration is of their lives, the good times, the funny memories, the connections we make when we share stories of them. Our ideal would be that they’re there in spirit enjoying it along with us.

Do you do something similar too? Or are we the only ones? Let me know…

Shine On!


A Father’s Presence

It’s been many years since my Dad passed away, but his presence is still often felt nearby. This statue from WillowTree was gifted to me by my Mom many years ago and it reminds me of my younger self talking with my Dad, for at that age, I had long brown hair and bangs as well.

I was a Daddy’s girl for a long time. I looked up to him. We had a bit of a tumultous relationship, but in the end I have been able to come to peace with who he was and how he was. I realize that he did his best and I am grateful for what he taught me. Thanks Dad.

I want to wish all of the Dads out there a very Happy Father’s Day. May your day be special and may you feel the love that your family has for you. May you never forget how important you are to your family and may you continue to be a shining example to all.

Shine On!
