Smelling Frankincense


Have you ever experienced smelling frankincense for no reason?  I’ve yet to meet anyone who’s had such an experience, but maybe you have?  Please share if you have any information for me please.

Two mornings in a row, I smelled frankincense.  Not just a brief whiff, but for about thirty minutes.  The aroma was strong and stayed with me as if I had been spiritually sprayed with the scent.  I wasn’t near anything that remotely smelled like incense or frankincense at all.  But the smell was distinct and as suddenly as it arrived, it left.  I walked outside with my coffee and smelled frankincense.  I walked back into the kitchen and smelled it again.  It was as if the scent was walking next to me no matter where I went.

I have never had such an experience with that scent before.  I have had the distinct aroma of roses envelop me many times which brought me much peace in my heart.  But frankincense?  Never before now, so I had to look it up and found my answer here – Contacting your angel scent messages.

According to the article above,

Your guardian angel may send you a fragrance that symbolizes something that your angel wants to communicate to you. Some common meanings for certain scents:

It just so happens that I was delivered a message yesterday which was important to my spiritual growth.  It came by the way of a human friend whom I trust.  It felt right to me that my angels heralded healing with distinction.  I’m feeling so grateful.  Isn’t it a beautiful Sunday?

Shine On!


45 thoughts on “Smelling Frankincense

  1. I often smell things that no one else does. It is a psychic sense called clairalience. Yes, likely a message unless the smell reminds you of a person. I smell certain smells out of the blue that I associate with different people. Good luck figuring out who or what it is about!

  2. Frankincense is a distinct aroma.. I used to work with oils for massage therapy and can recall the fragrance.. What a beautiful gift Spirit is giving you in connecting to you in this beautiful way… Take note when you begin to smell the fragrance.. And as you did in your next post, relax and ask what it is they want you to know.. And as you did in your next post part 2, keep going with the flow..

    Love and Peace…
    Sue ❤

    • Mr.M, I would think it is good news. I’m not sure of the circumstances under which you smelled it, but be open to any messages you may get in the coming days…and stay in touch.

  3. I have suddenly smelled frankincese but I am certain it was no guardian angel. The smell was pleasant but it came with a deep feeling of dread without origin and was followed by strange things happening inside my home.

  4. I smelled it at one particular spot in a hallway in my house, and then my son confirmed it. We walked away and came back. Still there. A few minutes later it was gone. Have no ideas about this.

  5. I did a Google search for smelling frankincense in nature, and this post came up. My inquiry derives from a hike I had been on in Sedona, Arizona, specifically on the Boonton Canyon trail. About 75% through the hike, an overwhelming scent of frankincense fills the air when walking through a wooded area. My purpose for hiking this trail is to reach a vortex of energy which is well known to that area. Must be where the vortex is the strongest. Another time I smelled frankincense was when I visited old teepees built by the indigenous people of the Pacific Northwest. Inside their homes, the aroma of frankincense was very powerful. Very spiritually pleasing.

    • What an amazing experience and I am so grateful you shared it with me and everyone else here! You are so kind! I find it fascinating that we can involve our senses when we are in filled with spiritual awareness.

  6. Ihad an experience last night while sleeping. I woke up to the scent of francicense and myrrh. I was definitely awake but kept my eyes closed and hesitant to open them. The scent only lasted 20 seconds but very strong.

  7. This happened to me today. Had never happened before, I went straight to google. I drove to Subway today, purchased my sub. When I went back to my car, I got in & my car was all of a sudden with the strong smell of church. (Frankincense). Nothing in the surrounding parking lot smelled like that & the drive there was normal. Just as it appeared, by the time I backed out of my parking space, it was gone. I know it was my angel… my angel has sent me other types of messages but this one was scent. I’m still trying to figure it out, I will ask for more guidance. 💕

    • I love that your angels send you messages! That is so beautiful! I hope you received more guidance as I would love to hear about it! Please feel free to write back if you feel like it. 💕

  8. I’m a very religious person. I have been my entire life. That doesn’t change the fact that life has been more than difficult. In the past three years, I have prayed for peace in my life. Lately, I have felt that maybe God had somehow forgotten about me. In the past three or four days, I have smelled incense. I smell it when I move from place to place. I’ve stopped and smelled my clothes. I’ve gone as far as to smell my husband’s clothes. It’s only when I move. I smell it when I’m walking outside. I have smelled things many times in the past, actually quite often. I’ve just never had a scent follow me, like it’s moving with me. I have felt overwhelming feelings that have brought me to tears. I have felt comfort when I needed it. There are so many other things. I just thought I would share.

    • Dawn, my heartfelt gratitude to you for sharing. Yes, I believe that the scent is following you for a reason…to let you know you are not alone and that God has not forgotten you. I’m sending you healing hugs and hope that you feel that strength of wisdom inside of you to ease the difficulties in your life. You are in my prayers 💓

  9. Four years ago, a few weeks before Christmas at 4:30 AM,
    I woke smelling the strong scent of pine-cedar, which I later
    learned was frankincense. I quickly realized I was not just
    smelling it. The scent was deep in my sinuses! The scent was in
    my body! This spiritual event only lasted a minute, but I knew
    something very special had happened. I did not see or hear
    anything, but I know I had a visitation. Why did this happen? An
    angel wanted to make contact with me before Christmas to
    remind me that I am never alone.
    A few days later, I searched this topic online. I learned many in
    the Catholic faith believe that the sudden (and brief) smell of
    frankincense denotes “an angelic visitation.” It was wonderful
    and rewarding to find that others have had this experience also.

    • I love that you had this experience and took the time to share it with me (us)…thank you so much! I HEARTily agree with you that it was an angelic visitation…
      We are never alone….💓

  10. Pingback: Frankincense: A Journey into its Spiritual Scent & Aroma

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