Tag Archive | Hay House

Rest In Peace Louise Hay


In the infinity

of life

where I am,

all is perfect, whole and complete.

– Louise L. Hay

At age 90, surrounded by loved ones, Louise Hay passed away peacefully in her sleep of natural causes on August 30, 2017.  Many will remember her legacy of healing through her business  Hay House as well as the plethora of books she authored.  She shared authors who brought peace, love and empowerment into our lives through Hay House.

I remember the first time I was given her book, You Can Heal Your Life back in 2002.  I had breast cancer and I was so troubled by the diagnosis and feared what lay in store for me.  A friend tried to explain how in reading her book, I would be healing myself, but back then, I wasn’t very spiritual.  However, the dear-hearted friend who gave me the book was further along on the spiritual journey than me and I trusted her with my heart.

So I read You can Heal Your Life and I began to shift – in my thoughts, in my words, in my healing, and with love in my heart.  I have never looked back at the woman who held a book in her hands disbelieving that Louise Hay’s simple message could change me so profoundly.  And yet, here I am.

Louise Hay’s book began my spiritual journey and my soul healing.  I am ever grateful to my friend for opening the door to me by giving me her book.  I am ever grateful to Louise Hay for believing in herself and for being the light in so many lives.  She helped many of us find the light again.  God Bless You Louise Hay.  Thank you for my healing – one book, one thought, and one affirmation at a time.

Shine On!



P.S.  I have written about Louise Hay many times on my blog.  If you’re interested just search Louise Hay and they will come up!  “We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.”

The Shift


Please click here  to watch The Shift for free.  It’s an amazing opportunity that I received in my email last night.  I have watched this myself and it was life-changing.  I hope you enjoy the gift from his family.

Shine On!


Free Help to Start the New Year


TGIF!!  You’ve made it through the first 10 days of 2014!  How are you feeling?  I know for me, yesterday, was a bad migraine day, but today I’ve decided is going to be WONDERFUL for both you and me! 

So with the wonderfulness as manifested above, I want you to click here  to enjoy a special FREE gift from Hay House!  It’s 7 days of free help for a New You Now!   What have you got to lose except your limited beliefs from 2013 and gain a life that you’ve created that you enjoy!

Some of the free speakers are:

Capture1234which is an impressive bunch ~ made even more fun by being FREE ~ did I mention that already?!

I receive nothing from promoting these 7 days of fun ~ I just like to keep you in the loop in case you have a few minutes over the course of the next few days to tune in ~ but you must register in order to take part in it!  What’s holding you back?  Come on!  Jump in and register!  Then let me know so we can connect with each other and share the tidbits learned!

Will you join me?  I’m going to register..it will be fun!

Shine On!


Love the One You’re With

74612352_I ♥ Me!

Stop for a moment.  Without thinking, answer this simple question,

“Do you love yourself?” 

What was the answer that came out of your mouth first?  Was it an enthusiastic YES!  Or was it hesitant silence?  Or was it a quiet “maybe” or was it a shake of the head meaning “no.”  There’s no right or wrong answer at this time.  It matters not what your immediate answer was because we are starting with baby steps.

We are starting this 2014 with LOVING YOU!

So let’s begin…

Commit to Loving Yourself this year. 

Every bit of you from the tip of your head to the tip of your toes!

1.  Find a mirror, look at your beautiful self and repeat to your image…

“I Love Me.

I Love You (insert your name).”

2.  How did it make you feel?  Were you uncomfortable?  Were you happy?  Did you smile at yourself?

3.  Whatever your reaction was, it was perfect for you at this time!

Take my hand and with time, we will make it an even better one!

One baby step at a time!

4.  Your job today (should you choose the Love theme of 2014) is to do the above exercise 3x today.

Note how if makes you feel when you do it!

That’s it!

You are loved.

Shine On!


Exercise from Louise Hay’s book, You Can Heal Your Life.

Have you ever read it?  Did you like it?

Inner Hotshot University and Hay House World Summit 2013

bannerAre you familiar with Hay House?  Get ready for an enjoyable 10 free days of comfort stretching, mind expanding, life improving teachers who will help us on our Inner Hotshot University journey!  Read below to sign up and see what it’s all about!  Got a favorite author?  I’ve included the schedule for you!

Shine On!



Join 110 World-Renowned Teachers in this FREE Online Event as They Guide You Step-by-Step to Improve All Areas of Your Life!

Get Access to Six Pre-Event Videos, when you sign up today!

The Hay House World Summit will bring together 110 hour-long conversations with world-renowned experts from the personal-growth field to share with you the practical, applicable ways in which they incorporate their teachings in their own lives . . . and how you can do the same! Join us from June 1st to 10th to listen to all of these intimate conversations for FREE. It takes place right in front of your computer or mobile device, click here for the full lineup.


Register now and you will immediately receive six bonus videos. . .

Get these 10-minute sneak previews of candid conversations between Hay House CEO Reid Tracy and these amazing teachers: Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer, Esther Hicks, Suze Orman, Cheryl Richardson, and Doreen Virtue. During the Hay House World Summit you will have the opportunity to hear these entire hour long conversations!

  Video #1 Conversation with Louise Hay
Listen in with the woman who started it all as she shares some of her personal affirmations, her wisdom about the importance of forgiveness, and tips for removing negative thoughts.
  Video #2 Conversation with
Wayne Dyer
Everyone has changes they want to make in life, but how do some succeed where others give up? Listen in as Wayne Dyer talks about change and the critical factor of burning desire, revealing what he has always know from his own “inner-flame.”

  Video #3 Conversation with Doreen Virtue
Listen in as Doreen relates never-before-told stories about how angels have guided her throughout her life, and how calling on one of the seven archangels can guide you and assist you in finding your own life’s purpose.
  Video #4 Conversation with
Esther Hicks
Watch as Esther relates the personal practices and tools she has learned from Abraham and employs in her everyday life and gives advice that everyone can use in applying those processes to your own life.

 suze-orman-video Video #5 Conversation with
Suze Orman
Tune in as Suze uncovers the reason why you may have a complex relationship with your money and how, by putting your needs at the forefront, you will find your own path to smarter money decisions.
  Video #6 Conversation with
Cheryl Richardson
Listen in as Cheryl shares some great tips for those who are considering major life changes and helpful stories that outline tools for positive change.

These are only a few of the intimate conversations with your favorite teachers sharing personal stories and practical tips that really work in your everyday life.


For 10 consecutive days you’ll be able to learn from our incredible teachers on a variety of topics that are truly life changing. And this practical advice is easy to apply to your OWN Life!

And the best part is you’ll be able to do it all… for FREE.

computer-ipadDuring Gregg Braden’s fascinating conversation you’ll discover the five key false assumptions we’ve all been led to hold as true, and how this obsolete thinking has contributed to the many crises we face today. While Joan Borysenko offers two meditation and breathing techniques for inhibiting fear and calming down the structures of the limbic system, along with many other tips and practical advice for stress-free living!

Interviews with health advocates including Kris Carr, Christine Northrup, Bernie Siegel, Donna Gates, Jorge Cruise and Mark Hyman will illuminate the many paths to healing your body and enjoying your health. Fresh off the success of his new book The Tapping Solution, Nick Ortner will also share a simple solution for stress-free living.

super-packageRelax and enjoy guided meditation exercises from Denise Linn and Sonia Choquette among many others. John Holland will discuss how to tap in to your soul’s innate desires and abilities in his interview; while as an interviewer, he will engage with other intuitive speakers like John Edward about the facts and fiction from the spirit world. And meet Lisa Williams and learn how to open up your own psychic awareness.

And you won’t want to miss Brian L. Weiss, M.D., as he demonstrates past-life regression and meditation techniques to help bring more happiness and joy to your life. You’ll even get a special regression exercise to bring you to a happy childhood memory. James Van Praagh begins and ends his discussion with beautiful meditations, where you learn how to tune in to your intuitive abilities and trust your own senses.

Best of all, we’re thrilled to share a rare and intimate conversation with the founder of Hay House, Louise Hay. Listen in as she gives insight to the affirmations and positive thoughts that help her live a balanced and joyful life so you can too.

We have something for everyone at this incredible event! This is just a small taste of the 110 hours of FREE content on a variety of topics, advice and wisdom you will experience at the 2013 Hay House World Summit!
Sign up NOW!

Are you ready to explore the possibilities of what your life can be like? 

Are you ready to see REAL results in your life? 

Then go ahead and CLICK HERE to reserve your spot for Hay House World Summit by entering your name and email below.

You’ll Get Immediate Access to:

Six bonus videos giving you ten minute previews of candid conversations between Hay House President, Reid Tracy and these amazing teachers: Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer, Esther Hicks, Suze Orman, Cheryl Richardson, and Doreen Virtue.

During this life-changing event, our experts will guide you

through 10 powerful days of candid conversations on a variety of topics:

june1 june2 june3 june4 june5
june6 june7 june8 june9 june10

Please share your favorites with me!

18026_For the Love of Reading, Learning and Sharing!

Good morning to YOU!  I hope your week has begun on a happy and loving note ~ and if it has not, then you know what you need to do, right?  Change your thoughts and tell yourself that it’s a bright, happy Tuesday morning!  Ta Da!  Yup, it’s as simple as that when you try.  You aren’t your circumstances, you have free will and you have the choice to be happy or sad in this very moment.  Pick Happy!  Pick Loving!  Pick Goodness!

And pick me out a new book to read!

You know I love to share what I find to be incredible books and movies that move me ~ dare I say, SHIFT ME!  In fact, MoJo http://www.momentumofjoy.wordpress.com gave me my last one which I wrote about the other day, but as I went back into my archives, I’ve written about a bunch of books which I find inspiring to read ~ and just plain ol’ good for the soul.









But I’m fresh out of ideas!  I’ve read more books than this, but at the moment, I need something special, something new and I know you have the answer!

So please take a moment and share a book or two that you’ve read that you enjoyed!

I love all kinds of books so please don’t feel restricted!

Thank you!  Happy Tuesday to YOU!

Shine On and Keep Reading!


The Shift to Feeling Delicious!


Through synchronicity last week, Hay House delivered to my inbox, the opportunity to download The Shift by Dr. Wayne Dyer for the incredibly low price of $1.99 .  Being the bargain shopper that I am, I immediately checked out the preview footage and being intrigued, I dug out my credit card to get the 2 hour movie to stream to my computer.  Now the next hurdle was how, as a busy Mom, wife and business owner, was I going to carve out 2 hours to watch it?  However, last Friday, I finally sat down to watch the movie…and it changed my life.

Usually I am not speechless when it comes to my blog (or to anything for that matter), but I have been unable to find the words to explain The Shift except to say that when the movie was finished, I laid down on my couch, closed my eyes for a few moments to take in the experience and felt a blissful peace that I hadn’t felt in years.  The words remarkable, stunning and life-changing come to mind ~ but I think the best is ~ I felt DELICIOUS!

Delicious?  Did she just write delicious?  That’s how food tastes, it’s not a feeling!

I know, I know…but have you ever felt delicious?  It’s a feeling I had never experienced until now and quite frankly, it’s one that I won’t forget in the near future.  Words escape me in explaining it more…but it was a calm, an inner healing, a feeling of complete happiness in my soul that I experienced and I’ve been able to call up that feeling for the last few days when I’ve gotten quiet and asked to feel it again.

I wanted to share it with you because it’s a new year and this was a new experience for me, one that I think you’ll enjoy, appreciate and one that may change your life for the better as it’s done to mine.  Whether you are a man or woman, this profound movie will easily touch you.  You don’t need to be an enlightened being to ‘get it’ nor does being an enlightened being make the move boring to you either…it’s one for all ages, for all people and for myself, it’s a keeper.

I’ve been quiet the last few days because I’ve been trying to figure out how I could tell you what ‘I feel delicious’ means…but I’ve decided that I’m just putting it out there for you to taste and see the delicious experience that The Shift brings.  Be open, let it gently wash over you and then let me know what you think!

Do you want to feel DELICIOUS too?

Shine On and Shift!


Want to buy the book?  Or buy the movie?  Just click  here!

There are others talking about it too!  Check out the blogs below!

