Love the One You’re With

74612352_I ♥ Me!

Stop for a moment.  Without thinking, answer this simple question,

“Do you love yourself?” 

What was the answer that came out of your mouth first?  Was it an enthusiastic YES!  Or was it hesitant silence?  Or was it a quiet “maybe” or was it a shake of the head meaning “no.”  There’s no right or wrong answer at this time.  It matters not what your immediate answer was because we are starting with baby steps.

We are starting this 2014 with LOVING YOU!

So let’s begin…

Commit to Loving Yourself this year. 

Every bit of you from the tip of your head to the tip of your toes!

1.  Find a mirror, look at your beautiful self and repeat to your image…

“I Love Me.

I Love You (insert your name).”

2.  How did it make you feel?  Were you uncomfortable?  Were you happy?  Did you smile at yourself?

3.  Whatever your reaction was, it was perfect for you at this time!

Take my hand and with time, we will make it an even better one!

One baby step at a time!

4.  Your job today (should you choose the Love theme of 2014) is to do the above exercise 3x today.

Note how if makes you feel when you do it!

That’s it!

You are loved.

Shine On!


Exercise from Louise Hay’s book, You Can Heal Your Life.

Have you ever read it?  Did you like it?

36 thoughts on “Love the One You’re With

  1. You are so right, once we can love ourselves we can share our love much more easily! I have read her book and learnt alot form her, specially to appreciate and love myself. Life looks so much richer like that!

  2. Yes! Especially where the word honour is concerned! This year I will honour and support my vision with the same tenacity that I would apply in supporting someone I love in theirs.
    Diana xo

  3. This is a great exercise – I am one who needs this ‘workout’. I think, though, that loving oneself goes hand-in-hand with forgiving oneself – this is where I stumble.

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