Tag Archive | joy

July First – Rabbit Rabbit!


Today is Rabbit Rabbit, White Rabbit White Rabbit!  I hope your month ahead is fulfilling  and where an abundance of peace, love, health, joy and connections abound!  Choose to shine your heartlights and continue to raise the vibrations in our world.  We need to unite in kindness!

This bunny lives at my house.  I’ve named him Clover as he loves to eat the clover in my yard which is abundant as you can see in the photo!  He’s not even afraid of me anymore since we’ve had some lovely quiet time together.  I guess I’m feeling like the Rabbit Whisperer!

Shine On!


Oh May, What A Treat!


What a treat to get up every morning and greet the day ahead!  Don’t you think?  As a glass 1/2 full type of gal, I enjoy mornings and the clean slate on which to etch the day.  As I sip my morning coffee, I begin my day in quiet stillness.  It’s my favorite time of day.

Ode to May’s Treat

I hope that today brings you peace within. 

May the sun shine into your life. 

If you have clouds and rain as I do, know that it is within the darkness that the stars become brighter. 

May gratitude and peace surround you.

May your wishes be fulfilled.

May you revel in God’s love.

Open your heartlight to the Universe and allow love to flow to you, from you and within you. 

May healing encompass you. 

May peace within you germinate and grow. 

May love fill your heart to overflowing and may you extend that love to connect with all whom you meet. 

May forgiveness be yours – to be given and received. 

May mercy follow you and ignite your being. 

May grace and dignity walk beside with you. 

May you take the higher path without stumbling. 

May joy guide you on your path. 

May this day be a new beginning for each of us!

Shine On!


May 1st Rabbit Rabbit


Rabbit Rabbit, White Rabbit, White Rabbit to you today on this First of May!

This sweet bunny has such a cute face that I had to use him today.  You know how excited I get when a new month begins!  You know my ritual too if you have been here for awhile.  I get so inspired by a new month, let alone how inspired I am every morning when I wake up!  I love that there’s a whole new day and month on which to build memories with others and for myself.

I hope that you remember to say Rabbit Rabbit today and that you enjoy the month ahead to its fullest!  Hop along with joy, with kindness and with your heartlight shining in all you do!

Shine On!


Happy Easter Rabbit Rabbit Fool’s Day!


Happy Easter!

Rabbit Rabbit, White Rabbit, White Rabbit

because it’s the first of April! 

Happy April Fool’s Day too to all of you!

Wow it’s a banner day with three ‘holidays’ on the same day!  Woo Hoo!  I awoke this morning and saw sweet Clover hopping by!  I love how he arrived to greet me on this special day!  By the way, I heard we are to have snow tomorrow.  What a funny April Fool’s joke Mother Nature!  I hope she’s kidding, but it’s not looking like a joke!

I hope that you have a beautiful day filled with love, peace, joy and togetherness with those whom you love!  Enjoy every precious moment!

God Bless and Shine On!


P.S.  This photo is thanks to sweet Rhonda compliments of The Path Through The Woods on Facebook.

May Your Easter Be Filled With JOY!


May Your Easter Be Filled With JOY!

Easter is a natural time of rebirth.  As Spring begins its season of growth, so do we!  Gratitude for blessings and delighting in the wondrous emergence of flowers and trees budding in the Spring flows joy to our hearts!  How lovely for the change of seasons!

May you enjoy a few moments of quiet today to fill your heart with love and gratitude.  Pray, meditate and just enjoy this moment in time.  Fill your day with love, reach out to family and friends in kindness and be gently reminded of the great gift that is today.

May joy be yours dear friends!

Shine On!


Three Christmas Wishes For You!


Peace Joy Love

Dearest Friends,

I am sending you peace, joy and love today (and always).

May your holiday season be filled with the meaning of Christmas.

Remember you are the hub of your own wheel of life.  Your deeds, your thoughts and your kindnesses are the spokes which support you and allow you to move forward in life.  Your heartlight shines so that on your life’s journey, you can see through any storms which may come your way.  At times, we meet other wheels, banding together for a time to roll along ~ connecting, supporting and enjoying this journey called life.  We are never far from others, only as far as we are from our true selves.

Your Divine Purpose here is to allow peace, joy and love to fill your being and to be a gentle reminder to others.  Surround your soul with God ‘s love and listen to the angelic reminders in your mind.  You are special.  You are loved.  Remember that always.

Merry Christmas!  Happy Holidays!  May you have a blessed holiday season!

Shine On!


Tips to Help You Cope With Holiday Estrangements


There may be times in our lives when we feel separated from others and it seems that the holidays are the hardest to bear when we are in this position.  There are no words to balm the feeling of grief and loss, not even succinct platitudes which are uttered that bear witness to the heaving sadness in our hearts.  Whether your estrangement is with the living or deceased, it is sometimes hard to put on a happy face during this otherwise joyous season.

Feeling alone doesn’t help, so I am here to walk this holiday season with you.  Take my hand.  Let’s get a plan in place to make the best holiday season that can be!  I want to say that it doesn’t matter what the cause of the estrangement is or with whom, but then I’d be lying, for each of us in this position feels the pain of estrangement in our own ways and in our own situations and my goodness, it does truly matter.

But in a general way, here are some tips that may help us all.

Decide what makes you happy, festive and in the mood to celebrate and plan it.

Be kind to everyone, (especially you) during the holidays.

Remember Ram Dass’ quote, we are all just walking each other home and as you may be finding it hard to walk home at this time, others may be as well.

Change is difficult, but it opens our lives up to fruitful empowerment.

Take some quiet time for yourself.  Meditate.  Take a bubble bath.  Nourish your soul by feeding yourself loving, peaceful moments of stillness.  Smile.  Pray.

Be the observer in your own life.  See how each and every person you meet is struggling and feel the compassion in being kind to everyone, no matter the circumstances.

Do your best to shine your heartlight.  Do what makes you happy and not for approval of the masses.  They may judge anyway.  Just continuej to be your sweet, loving self.

Get enough rest.  Drink extra water.  Do not overindulge in food or alcohol for it will not help you.

Silence is a gift you give yourself.  If you have nothing nice to say, then please don’t say it.  If someone says something nice to you, allow yourself space to walk away and not engage.

Listen with a loving heart for you may hear tidbits which explain the estrangement (if you don’t already know).  When you speak, do it with kindness and not with negativity nor anger.

If you must leave, then do so quietly without rancor.  Best to err on solitude than to have your actions gossiped over by others.

Remember the reason for the holiday season ~ to show kindness, generosity of spirit and love.

Make good memories for yourself and others by coming from a place of patience and peace.

Look up.  Ask for help from God.  Imagine yourself surrounded by white, loving light which protects you all the time, especially during trying times.

Bless the festivities.  Ask your Angels and God to be there with you as you pass through the holiday season.

Be grateful that you are here and do your best to make a difference with each and every encounter.  Let no one leave you without feeling the genuine warmth of your smile.

Remember that you have a friend in me.  Take my hand and know that you are loved.

Shine On!



Do You Have A Case of Holiday Hiraeth?

I saw this on Facebook this morning and it struck a chord in me that I felt needed to be shared with all of you.  For at the holidays especially, there are those of us may be feeling hiraeth, but never had a word for it.  For the English language, to my knowledge, does not have a word which encompasses these feelings as hiraeth does.

So what do you do about it when you are feeling this way?  How do you go on with this feeling through holiday festivities?  My own solution is to allow the feeling, to engage in it, to acknowledge the hiraeth as it comes.  To turn ourselves into jolly merrimakers is to falsely and ineptly disengage with our souls.  To be in stillness with the feeling is to be true to ourselves and to allow hiraeth to process in our lives in order for us to heal.

I’m not saying to throw a pity party for ourselves during the festivities at all.  I’m not recommending that we pout or make others uncomfortable with our sadness.  No, not at all.  I’m suggesting that we allow ourselves the gift of hiraeth in our quiet alone time so that we can find the joy when we are celebrating the holidays.  To feel hiraeth and maybe even to share it with those willing to listen in a compassionate manner is to find the peace within us when we allow our feelings space to heal.

For there is healing in allowing hiraeth.  There is much joy to be had in life especially during the holiday season.  Allow your heartlights to shine, spread the love and understanding that you innately carry within you and reach out to others with your kind heart.  Know that I am here with you.  I understand.  I acknowledge our feelings of hiraeth and I hold them tenderly in my heart.

Bless you all this holiday season.

Shine On!



*Gratitude to MAngel for sharing on FB so that I could see this post.

A Truly Happy Person


A truly happy person is one

who can enjoy the scenery

on a detour.

I visit with my two loved ones who have Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia every month.  We take a ride in the car each time and enjoy the scenery.  Within minutes of our getting into the car and buckling them up into seat belts, we begin our drive to wherever we are going and the same conversation always ensues.  One talks about the trees, the other one notices the clouds.  What makes such an impression on me is that the incessant repetitive conversations about these two beauties of nature never fails and is always welcomed by all in the car.  It is simply being present in that moment to remark on the beauty in nature.  Granted, the conversations about the trees and clouds continues in a loop, over and over while we are riding in the car, but I choose to see it as a blessing.

For being in the present moment and observing the beauty which surrounds us in a happy way is the key to life.  Being with my loved ones who live in a memory care facility gives me the powerful lesson of presence.  Sure, I can get bogged down by the repetitiveness of the conversation, feel badly that they only have clouds and trees to notice and feel sad for how their minds have changed.  And I do.  I won’t lie, because as a daughter/niece/carer it can break my heart to be so far away and to see the changes as their minds slowly succumb to the disease.  But there’s a lesson here that we can all share…there’s a Present of Presence ~ a peaceful, loving, nurturing moment that we can gratefully choose every single moment of our lives.

Because being happy in the moment is a gift that we don’t always give ourselves or others and I think it’s about time we did.  So on this Sunday, take a few minutes to look at the clouds/sky and the trees.  Breathe in the beautiful air that Mother Nature swirls around us.  Notice the gratitude of being alive.  Lay down your worries and fears for a few moments and shine your heartlight for all to see.

This is the day the Lord has made.  Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24.

Shine On!


Meaning of Today 12/13/14


Today’s date is 12/13/14!  Did you notice the sequential numbers of today’s date?  Are you like me who finds it interesting enough to go to Google and see if it means anything?

Well, here’s what I found here:

“12-13-14 is also unique because it is made of four sequential digits 1, 2, 3 and 4…

Among the first 11 such sequential dates that already occurred in this century,

only 01-02-03 possesses the same property…

Although 12-13-14 will be the last sequential MM-DD-YY date for 89 years,

we won’t have to wait until 2103 for similarly interesting dates to pop up…

Jan. 2, 2034 gives you something similar [1-2-34],

while Jan. 23, 2045 lets you use all double-digit listing [1-23-45].

Feb. 2, 2022 is going to be the next one to get headlines, though [2-22-22].

 I would argue that April 3, 2021 — 4-3-21 — might be worthy of note as well…

For most of us, such sequential calendar dates won’t occur again in our lifetime…

After December 13, 2014, the next one is 01-02-03, to occur on January 2, 2103.

 If you follow the European DD-MM-YY convention,

however, you’ll have to wait a little longer — until Feb. 1, 2103.”

So there you have it, your lesson for the day!  It’s always great to learn something new everyday to make our lives richer and more interesting!  I hope you find today 12/13/14 to be a day in which you enjoy peace, love, happiness and health!

Shine On!
