Tag Archive | message

Full Pink Moon…Is There Something Going On?


I awoke this morning because my phone was ringing a little after 6am.  It was a local number, but I didn’t pick it up.  I let it ring through to voicemail, but the caller didn’t leave a message.  I wanted to pick it up, but then again, I was thinking it was one of those robocalls even thought it’s really early for them.  Then, I thought that perhaps it was someone who misdialed.  Then again, the question of if it were someone from where my Mom lives trying to get in touch with me.  But they would have left a message and probably called from the company number.  But, it remains a mystery still.

I couldn’t lay in bed any longer wondering so I just got up and fixed some coffee and fed the cats who were hungry.  I walked into our family room and one of the battery candles which works from a remote was lit.  It’s just for decoration because I prefer the timer ones so I never use it.  In fact, the remote is tucked away in a drawer.  But it was lit even though it’s paired candle was not.

It wasn’t lit before I went to bed and there wasn’t movement on the security cameras to show someone lighting it either.  But suddenly, it’s lit.  I feel there’s a strange phenomena going on with the phone call and the candle being lit.  One of life’s mysteries or signs from God?  A synchronicity occurring that may or may not ever answer my questions.

My questions are:  Who called this morning?  Who lit the candle and why?

I have a strange feeling that with the full pink moon today/tonight there are signs and I just have to get quiet to understand.  Perhaps one of you can give me some intuitive guidance if you get anything from my post?

My deceased Dad is one to play with electricity and remotely lighting a battery operated candle would go along with that notion.  Is he just letting me know that he’s here with me?  Lighting my way in the darkness?

Any and all psychic help or intuitive healing is appreciated.  Keep shining your heartlights dear friends.  We are all here to help one another.  I hope you’re doing well and that you’re staying safe and healthy.  God bless.

Shine On!


How Do You Remember The Birthday Of A Loved One Who’s Passed Away?


This past week, two of my loved ones who have passed had their birthdays.  In a quiet moment, even though I suppose that after one has passed away, birthdays aren’t celebrated, I took a few moments to remember them and their kindnesses to me.

But it brings up the question, What do you do on the birthday of a loved one who has passed away?  Do you think of them?  Do you say a prayer for them?  Do you talk with them?  Do you feel anything from them when you do?

I often wonder if after we have passed away if we look down (because this is how I imagine it) and see if anyone thinks of us?  Do we have the ability after we’ve died to communicate with loved ones who are still living?  Would we feel that tug to let them know we are ok and that we’re here in spirit?  Would we still care about those still living?

I know people have had experiences with psychics as I have as well.  I have had experiences that are not explainable and I feel like they could be signs from above or from deceased loved ones.  I have had messages given to me that were spot on from a medium whom I met on a whim.  So I do believe there’s communication between the living and the dead.

I did say prayers and talked with each of them on their birthdays.  Maybe it’s my imagination, but I felt that they knew how much I loved and appreciated them.  At least that’s what I’m hoping for I felt a sweet peace in my heart afterwards.

I know for me, if there’s any way I could reach through the veil after I pass and let my loved ones know that I’m still here, still loving them and sending all the blessings my heart could give to them, I most definitely would – especially when they were thinking about me.

What about you?  Do you have any stories to share?  Please do!

Shine On!


I looked back and I’ve written about this before in my blog a few times.  In case you’re wondering…here are a few of my past posts. xo

Papa can you hear me?

Orb of Light and Flickering Electricity

Life After Death

Have You Ever Had Signs From Loved Ones?


Before the bloom fades…

Capture it before the bloom fades…

My friend CAngel took this picture for me and sent it to me yesterday and because I love it, I thought I’d share it via a card so here it is…a blue hydrangea!  Her comment resonated with me ~ “I thought you might like this photo. I thought it was so pretty that I wanted to capture it before the bloom faded.’

And then it struck me, ‘capture it before the bloom faded’ and this post was born…

Because that’s what we are always trying to do, aren’t we?  Capture life before it fades…but do we?  Can we?  Like the photo she took for me, we have snippets of moments that glisten in time for us, moments that perhaps we capture on film, on video, on tape or on paper.  Are we the sum of those moments?

On my home answering machine are 2 messages from my Dad which I keep saving.  They are the last vestiges of his voice that I have on tape and they are in fact messages that he left when he was in the hospital.  They are precious to me because of that fact but also because of what he said…he said he loved me.  Although I knew it, hearing how he felt has helped so much these past 3 weeks.  He appreciated my helping him with his business while he was unable to work and it is those 2 thoughts that hold my heart captive.

So today, before the bloom fades…

take a moment to let those around you know how you feel about them.

Send a heartfelt message in a card…

We only have today…
