Tag Archive | coincidence

As The Veil Thins

Today, October 31st, we have a second full moon in the same month which is called a Blue Moon. It coincides with All Hallow’s Eve (Halloween) which is the precursor to November 1st which is All Saints Day. Additionally, we have to turn the clocks back. What a busy day indeed!

The veil thins during this time. What does that mean? It is a time when the separation between the living and those who have passed away is thinner and perhaps we can find communication easier between us.

These last few years I have had many loved ones pass away and it has been difficult to go on without them in my life. As with anyone who has grieved, there have been times when the ache has been tremendous and the yearning for one more moment with them has been overwhelming. But at other times, I have felt peace, knowing they are not suffering anymore and are with God.

My loved ones have given me many signs that they are still with me. Often I have often felt their presence even though they have passed away. For that, I am truly grateful. While some may say these events were coincidental, I know in my heart that they were truly signs of love from those dearly departed souls whom I miss.

Have you ever had signs from those who have passed away? Please share!

Shine On!


Atmospheric Change – Do You Feel It Too?


I feel like there’s an atmospheric change in the air these days.  I know there’s a full moon tonight and I was reading about the changes in astrology, energy, 5D, etc. so I’m figuring that what I’m experiencing, you may be feeling as well.  It’s like shedding the old skin and emerging with strength, love and light is finally beginning in earnest.  Letting go of what we felt we knew and embracing life out of our comfort zones.  Merging with a higher power so to speak.  Not regretting when we let go, but feeling at peace with the changes.  Holding tenderness and gratitude for memories of before and open-armed for what is here and what the future holds with delight!  Do you feel it too?

Computer-wise, mine has been acting wacky for a few days.  The internet issues, for awhile the N key wouldn’t work, then the computer suddenly changing screens!  I thought it was possessed with a virus, but then it healed itself.  Bizarre.

I’ve had lights flickering for no reason.  Strange, inexplicable noises bumping in the house and weird coincidences (some positive, some not so much) that have been happening in the last few days.  The word EERY comes to mind.  The cats have been even staring at something just above my head often.  I look around, but I see nothing.  I know that animals sense things so I’m wondering what’s going on?

Friends have reported other wacky computer issues which only lasted a little while as well.  Navigational systems that don’t work, then suddenly fixed themselves without rhyme nor reason.  Important phone calls which were missed by an accidental touch of the finger causing much strife, but then finally were remedied a few days later.

Mini lessons in patience, in allowing and in understanding have been the key to getting through the atmospheric changes as far as I can tell.  Allowing information to come when needed.  Not allowing posts to be published, comments to be made and forcing scenic routes when navigation doesn’t work, in addition to delayed important information which caused strife, but also gave a good lesson, are just some of the changes I’ve noticed.  It’s as if we are getting a new beginning where none of what we thought we knew applies.

How about you?  Any atmospheric changes in your life recently?

Shine On!


Universal Crumbs


Sometimes I think the Universe drops crumbs in order to help us through this lifetime.  Lately, much synchronicity has occurred in my life.  When I viewed the events as separate, there was no obvious correlation.   But when I strung them together in the path of my life in the last few days, they fit together like perfect puzzle pieces!

It’s a wonderful feeling to know that all we need to do is to be wide awake and aware of our days and nights.  To notice is to put together the puzzle pieces and watch as our lives unfold with support, positivity and love from God and the Universe.

Notice what happens all around you!  You think of someone and poof! they call you!  You go out of your routine and poof! you find out you missed an accident!  You know what I mean, don’t you?  The Universe simply drops breadcrumbs of experiences into your path to help you along the way.  It brings to mind the Law of Attraction at work!

There are many examples that illustrate the bread crumbs that we pick up to fortify ourselves along the path of our lifetimes.  For example, yesterday I had to pick up shampoo for the children, so instead of going to the grocery store, I stopped at Rite Aid.  While walking around, I saw a display for some new nail polish for Fall.  While it’s not my usual shade (I wear pink/red/wine), this one caught my eye.  It’s Essie Brand – name is As If!  Anyway, it’s a shade of blue that just made me happy, so I bought it!  As I was painting my nails last night, I watched a movie called The Last Keepers which you can watch for free with Amazon Prime (click here!)   I loved the fact that the characters’ story began in Fall with a celebration of the Autumn Solstice.  Watching the movie reminded me of a book I put down awhile ago that I was aching to pick up when I felt moved to read again and voila!  Last night before bed, I knew that I would be reading another chapter today – which I did!  Here’s the link to the book in case you are interested.

After reading the book this morning over coffee, I was thinking about a blogger friend of mine who would like the book.  Poof!  Out of the blue (pun intended), she called me and we were able to talk about it!  One thing led to another and we caught up on our lives and even had a little healing moment between us.  It was fabulous!  It even led to a mutual friend of ours getting a much needed message that helped her as well!

So what’s my point?  When I string together all the coincidences, I get a tapestry of life that leads me in the right direction.  Has this ever happened to you?

Do you want to share a few of yours?  Please do!

Shine On!




via Daily Prompt: Crumb

How To Sprinkle Priceless Moments Throughout Your Day


The Daily Post inspired me today to write, so here it goes!

I have a gift called The Presents of Presence.  You may know it and me by now, but if you don’t, here I am.  I love to sprinkle priceless moments throughout the day.  You know what I mean, don’t you?  Those quiet moments when you smile at a stranger and they smile back.  Or when you make a connection with someone else through blogging or a random conversation or even one of those long soul to soul conversations we have sometimes with the ones we love?

It’s stopping to look around and catching the Praying Mantis sitting there on the patio chair when you’re outside watering the plants.  If I hadn’t been looking around, I certainly would have missed his presence.  It’s the small reminder that when we don’t take the time to notice all that’s around us, be it in nature, in friendships, in changes in the air or in the vibrations, we miss priceless moments.  It’s in being PRESENT, mindful and still at the precise moment to enjoy a gift from God and the Universe.

Synchronicity and coincidence share special space in my life.  Countless times I have noticed a priceless moment simply because it was there, waiting for me to see it.  When we are open, we allow these priceless moments to be felt and acknowledged.  When we are gung-ho rushing through life, we may miss them.

You can be the receiver of the priceless moments or the giver.  Best of all, you can be both!  Sprinkle happiness wherever you go.  Enjoy meeting new people, sharing the road of life and sparkling by being you!  You are a gift to us all!

Shine On!


By An Accidental Butt Dial, I Got An Important Message


I heard my phone ringing, but I didn’t reach it before it went to voicemail.  When I listened to the message from the person, I realized that they had called me in error.  Normally, when I can tell that someone didn’t know they were leaving a message, I simply delete.  But something made me listen to the full message.   I overheard their full conversation clearly and it was eye-opening.

Because they remarked about me and not in a nice way.

So please be careful with your phones.  This is not the first time I’ve been butt dialed and overheard a conversation not meant for me and it may not be the last.

Has this ever happened to you?

There are gifts in the Universe that come through technology, like this one.  Surely we’ve all had times when our computer doesn’t let us do something only to find out that it was a gift that we didn’t send that email or buy that new dress.  Ha Ha!  There are times when we are delayed by stop lights, only to find that we have missed an accident up ahead.  Sometimes we are protected by technology and sometimes we learn from it.

The Universe delivers messages to us by all different channels when we are aware.  What we may deem coincidence or synchronicity is a clear message to help us along the way and to reveal the truth.

Knowledge is power, even when it hurts.

Shine On!






Do You Pray?


“All I know is that when I pray,

coincidences happen;

and when I don’t pray,

they don’t happen.”

– Dan Hayes

Do you pray?  Do you believe in the power of prayer?  I’d love to hear your experiences this lovely Sunday!

Please share below!

Shine On!


Connections…From the Other Side…


Deepest Sympathies For the Loss of Your Beloved Pet

The above is the card that I sent my friend BAngel when her beloved dog passed away.  Feeling a little melancholy this morning, I thought that I’d repost from my friend BAngel’s new website and blog!  I wanted to include her post because I believe that it is fitting for those of us who have lost our dear pets and loved ones.  We all want to find that connection from our dearly departed loved one and it matters not if it’s a pet nor human.   https://misifusa.wordpress.com/2012/08/01/spirits-in-the-night/  To feel that connection, that love link is something yearned for by many who are left earthbound without their loved ones.  I know that I’ve written about this before ~ and shared with you some of our experiences with my Dad.  https://misifusa.wordpress.com/2012/12/28/life-after-death/  Bobbi’s signs are special ~ so I’d like to introduce her to all of you!

My “Little Cricket” Connection

January 6, 2013 By

I am so aware that our souls do not die when our bodies do, but I do struggle with the passing of my sweet, little, black shih tzu, Sophie, in spite of knowing that. I had to put her to sleep recently because her heart failure made it so hard for her to breathe, and I didn’t want her to have to struggle to breathe any more. I felt that decision just rip a hole in my heart that day because I was so attached to her for almost 13 years. I loved her so much and I couldn’t believe I would not be able to hold that little, soft, warm body on my lap anymore, or feel her pressed against my feet in bed at night or her standing on me with her full-body wag to wake me up every morning. I loved that she nuzzled in my neck when I picked her up to carry her home from our walks when her heart got tired. I loved the way that tiny little 10-pound dog, when she was at her healthiest and happiest, would give full-body barks at the squirrels and giant birds in our trees, backing up with each bark like a cricket springing backwards. She even did her reverse, full-body “cricket bark” one time and landed backwards in the pool much to her surprise! I loved her hard-to-see black little pearl eyes as they trustingly stared into my face for reassurance – even on her last morning.

She was sweet and she was special, and everyone who held her knew that, too. She communicated what she needed so cleverly. She was seldom hungry and had to be coaxed to eat every single meal, but I didn’t mind. And I didn’t mind getting up around 2 am to let her out to empty her little bladder every night for over 12 years. I would have to soothe her later in life from all the things that made her tremble like when we had thunderstorms, or visitors, or when almost inaudible electronic clicks from the stove or iron alarmed her, but she was so worth it.  I was feeling just so deeply saddened to have to end that beautiful life. I tried to make myself feel better at first reminding myself that she wasn’t really gone, not her spirit anyway,  just her physical form. But, as often as I would remember her energy wasn’t gone, it wasn’t enough. I would then want to connect with that energy. I was simply missing my physical Sophie so badly that I wanted to really “feel” her energy with me. I had always heard that when a loved one passes, his or her soul’s energy raises to a much, much higher speed that it was when slowed down by the physical body, but I still ached to connect with her, somehow. I said a little prayer asking for a sign or a message from her and then let it go, hoping it would come.

To read more and comment…and perhaps find a new blogger to follow ~ or even get a life coaching session….here’s the talented Bobbi!


Happy Sunday to All and Shine On my friends!


I found a few other posts that were similar…so I thought I’d share!



