Tag Archive | New York City

NYC from the Sky


I took this shot from my window seat on the airplane yesterday.  Seated almost over the wing, I grabbed my camera quickly as the skyline of New York City emerged.  I am no photography expert, but I find the photo so interesting, don’t you?  What do you see when you look at it?  Please share below!

Just thought I’d share…Happy Tuesday…Mardi Gras for those who are inclined…

Shine On!


Today is Your Day to Twinkle Sparkle Glow and Shine

Today is Your Day to Twinkle Sparkle Glow Shine

Officially it’s January 1st, 2013, and with the dawn, a new year is heralded in today and officially closes the door on 2012….at least in my book.  I awoke this morning with the little ditty of Rabbit Rabbit in my head (and out my mouth) before my first sip of coffee.  I’m not taking any chances on the first day of the month AND new year!  Are you scratching your head and wondering why?  Here’s the answer!  https://misifusa.wordpress.com/2012/09/01/rabbit-rabbit/

In the meantime, I thought this was a great card to begin the new year with ~ Don’t you love the optimism of this card ~ it has the ability to make you smile and to increase your desire to continue to SHINE ON!  This is yet another year to shine for all of us!  Are you ready?  On your mark, get set and let’s Twinkle Sparkle Glow and Shine On this year!

It’s only a matter of attitude ~ a shift if you will ~ and like any habit, it’s one that you can acquire easily without much extra effort…you just have to remember that you are a shining star.  That’s it!

You shine on with your attitude, your words, your expressions and by being yourself!  Even the brightest stars may have days when we feel less than sparkly, but our light is always shining in our souls!  I would love to see us all twinkling, sparkling, glowing and shining this year!  Imagine if as a connected community we allowed our inner lights to blossom and ignite the lights in others!  We could be a fireball of enthusiastic bloggers who connect like the amazing twinkly lights of the New Year’s Ball in Times Square!  Imagine the world cheering us on as we descend next New Year’s Eve on a year filled with every type of shining moment imaginable!  Imagine the power of a community filled with love, light and individuals who’ve come together with enthusiasm, optimism and in inspiration!

So please join me this year as we travel on our Journey of Endurance ~

Igniting our inner stars to




and Shine On! 

Happy 2013!


Speech of Angels…

Music is well said to be the speech of Angels

Simply put, I love music…and when I put on the radio in the car while driving, many times I’ll find that I’m guided by my angels and their seemingly coincidental songs that play on the station that I’m listening to ~ does that happen to you?  Do you know what I mean?

For example, yesterday, I had to return to my surgeon to have some stitches removed.  It was the first time I was driving since my surgery exactly one week ago.  Because I couldn’t find anyone to accompany me to NYC, I made the 2 + hour trip alone which was a bit monumental for me since I hadn’t slept the night before, but I had faith that it would all work out.

So, I got the kids off to school, got ready and hopped into the car for the 50 minute drive to the ferry.  I turned on the radio and that’s when I knew I had some angelic company with me.  I wasn’t alone  and they were showing me via the songs that played ~ because they played  a plethora of my favorites in a row, one after another so that I wouldn’t mistake their speech to me.  Like Horton in Dr. Seuss ~ I heard the angels in who-ville!

So my drive to the ferry was enhanced by their selections and as I allowed the music to wash over me, I sang loud and clear and off-key to my hearts content as I drove.  Lost and abandoned in the feel good of my favorite songs, I felt strength envelope me and I allowed it to fill the car with its energy.  In fact, I believe I was vibrating at such a high level that I manifested the 3rd parking spot in a huge lot which generally is completely full and I end up parking my car 3 blocks away, but not yesterday!  I was in the groove and I had a prime spot!  I was so happy!

Once safely on the ferry, I continued reading my Christmas book which I’ve so enjoyed.  I figured I needed to just relax into the downtime/alone-time and not fill it with work.  So with happy guilt-free pleasure, I read my book and sipped my coffee.

On my way home however, it was a different story ~ things had changed a bit because I lost my angelic vibes along the way.  My appointment was more complicated than I anticipated so I missed the boat I had wanted to take by 3 minutes.  I began to feel sad, but then I decided to go to a nearby cafe and enjoy some dessert.  As luck would have it, I found Lucky’s (open 24/7), was escorted to a small corner booth and heard one of my favorite Christmas carols on the radio.  Ahh…my angels had returned!

On the ferry ride home, we had some trouble with the engines…in fact we were delayed as we slowed down, sputtered a bit and actually stopped mid-trip.  I began planning how I would hold my purse if we had to abandon ship when the song Breathe came on ~ I hadn’t even noticed that the radio had been playing, but all of a sudden, I was aware of it, distinctly heard it…and it calmed me.  Synchronicity?  Angelic speech?  Coincidence?

Has this ever happened to you?

What would your angelic songs be?

I hope you hear angelic music today!

Sing On and God Bless!
