Manifesting Butterflies

I saw the above card as a gift in the SendOutCards gift catalog and I sent it to KAngel with a heartfelt card because she had just gotten a special butterfly tattoo & I wanted to honor it.  The funny thing was that I wanted the gift for myself as well ~ it’s a simple card, like a credit card that you can put in your wallet to remind you or you could put it on your desk…I’ve been carrying mine now for a few days as a symbol of strength because my friend BAngel sent it to me!  She didn’t even know that I wanted it!  Imagine my thrill when I got an unexpected greeting card in the mail with the same present that I had sent and wanted for myself!  Woo Hoo!  It made my day! **
In the meantime though, I’ve had a lot of butterfly encounters lately and it made me think about animal totems.  So I looked it up at butterfly-animal-symbolism.html

Butterfly Animal Symbolism

“Overwhelmingly, cultural myth and lore honor the butterfly as a symbol of transformation because of its impressive process of metamorphosis…

What a massive amount of transition this tiny creature undergoes…Imagine the whole of your life changing to such an extreme you are unrecognizable at the end of the transformation. Mind you, this change takes place in a short span of about a month too (that’s how long the butterfly life cycle is).

Herein lies the deepest symbolic lesson of the butterfly. She asks us to accept the changes in our lives as casually as she does. The butterfly unquestioningly embraces the changes of her environment and her body.

This unwavering acceptance of her metamorphosis is also symbolic of faith. Here the butterfly beckons us to keep our faith as we undergo transitions in our lives. She understands that our toiling, fretting and anger are useless against the turning tides of nature – she asks us to recognize the same.

Interestingly, in many cultures the butterfly is associated with the soul – further linking our animal symbolism of faith with the butterfly…Its connection with the soul is rather fitting. We are all on a long journey of the soul. On this journey we encounter endless turns, shifts, and conditions that cause us to morph into ever-finer beings. At our soul-journey’s end we are inevitably changed – not at all the same as when we started on the path.

To take this analogy a step further, we can look again to the grace and eloquence of the butterfly and realize that our journey is our only guarantee.

Our responsibility to make our way in faith,

accept the change that comes,

and emerge from our transitions as brilliantly as the butterfly.”

After reading all of this, I realized that it was quite fitting that the butterfly is my animal totem now…

Do you have an animal totem?

Please share…I’d love to hear your comments!


**Does this gift speak to you as well?  You can find it & others by logging onto your free account in SendOutCards ~ 126830 Just hit join now and you can send a card with a gift in just minutes!  Let me know if you need any help!

7 thoughts on “Manifesting Butterflies

  1. Pingback: A Butterfly’s Birth « power of language blog: partnering with reality by JR Fibonacci

  2. Dearest Misifusa, I think I told you about the symbolism of the butterfly for me, and my fellow members of Compassionate Friends. It is the symbol for the beloved child we have seen move to another place. I want this to be my card! Love you, and be safe and well, my beloved girl!

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