Behind the Closed Door


Most of us have, at one time or another, come across the following two quotes:

“When one door closes, another door opens, but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us.”– Alexander Graham Bell

“When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one, which has been opened for us.” – Helen Keller

but it’s how we choose to deal with the closed door that makes all the difference.

We’ve all had ups and downs in our lives.  We don’t leave this lifetime without some tears, some smiles, laughter, love and disappointments.  It happens.  Life goes on.  Changes come gradually and sometimes they come in the blink of an eye.  Best laid plans sometimes go awry.  But we always have a choice to sit in front of a closed door, pining for something/someone or we can look around to discover that there’s more to life than the past that waits behind the door.

It takes courage.  We have a choice, but sometimes we forget that we indeed have that choice.  Sometimes it’s we who close the door and sometimes the door is closed on us.  Either way, we can sit outside the door expectantly, we can turn the knob to see if it’s locked or we can turn around and see what else there is in life.

At one time or another in this lifetime, I have experienced each scenario above and allowed the door to dictate my reaction.  Nowadays, I am seeing the door in a different light.  My past is behind the closed door and what goes on behind closed doors, stays behind closed doors.

The choice to wait expectantly in front of a closed door is ours alone to choose.  The choice to look around for another door or window of opportunity to see that there is more to life than that one door takes courage, but we already have that courage within us.  We just need to tap into it.

So take my hand dear friends.  If you are seeing a closed door in your life, let’s stop staring at the closed door.  Let’s spin around and view the goodness which surrounds us.  Let’s walk together to see what else life has in store for the possibilities are endless once we take that first baby step.

Keep shining your heartlights.  You are perfect, whole and complete just as you are.  I can see you twinkling from here and I send you a warm, heartfelt embrace.

Shine On!


17 thoughts on “Behind the Closed Door

    • I agree with you ~ however, I wanted to acknowledge the door to the past which helps us to build our future selves and to empower our heartlights so that they shine brighter! ♥

  1. Knock Knock! There behind you Yvonne…that brilliantly painted green door. I’m there and I want to come say hello, give you a hug, and tell you how brilliant you are! There will always be an open door in my world as long as there’s a presence of the present…and I have a beautiful friend named Yvonne to thank for that. Merry Christmas my friend…may your presents of presence be felt by all who walk through your door. xoxoxo

  2. Reality doesn’t often penetrate my little world very often but it just has. My wonderful hub of 22+ years that everyone knows I’ve been entirely devoted to for all these years came home from being out to sea for 3 months and told me he started a relationship with a woman on his crew “he has feelings for her” and he might want a divorce and he might never have wanted to be married all this time at all and then he went skydiving yesterday. So my holiday season and my entire world is one gigantic closed door. I have never in my life experienced this pain. It’s literally unbearable. So thank you dear friend for this post- you never know how much the things you write mean to me. I can’t write about all of this on my blog cos my daughter in law reads it and she and my son are planning their first child to be born in Feb. and I don’t want them to be hurt by my pain and the pain he’s causing everyone. I thought I had the most wonderful solid marriage of all-I should not have been so sure. Love to you.

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