A New New Year’s Eve


I was diagnosed with breast cancer on New Year’s Eve of 2001.  I won’t bore you with the details, but if you choose to search in my posts for those key words, you will find my story.  Much has happened since that fateful day and for many years, I felt downtrodden by the reminder of my cancerversary on New Year’s Eve.

Finally, I no longer hold that diagnosis in my heart/mind/soul as I used to in the past.  The cancer diagnosis was the beginning of my spiritual journey which has led me to this day, today, for which I am ever grateful.  My life hasn’t turned out as I’d planned.  Instead, I’ve endured a plethora of losses and yet, I remain grateful for each experience.  I see now that all of those life lessons have led me to today and the spiritual knowledge which I would have never received had my life been easy and cancer-free.  I have acquired so much depth of understanding which I would have never grown if I hadn’t had to endure so much pain in my life.  The experiences reminded me of how innately strong I am and how even though my life went through periods of darkness, my heartlight shines even more brightly now because of what I’ve endured.  Isn’t that always the way?  Do you feel the same way?

My heartlight dimmed at times of great stress, disease, fear and grief, but the innate sparkle never left me.  My faith has grown stronger.  My commitment to being me in all my quirks and glory, has only increased in strength and commitment.  My supply of self-love and love for all mankind has increased exponentially.  I love from the depths of my soul and have learned to receive healthy love as well.  I no longer worry about acceptance.  I am who I am and I am not afraid anymore.

I wish you all a lovely New Year’s Eve!  Let go of who and what doesn’t serve your spiritual growth.  Leave the past hurts behind.  Enjoy The Presents of Presence and may all unfold in 2018 with love, light and peace for you!

Shine On!


17 thoughts on “A New New Year’s Eve

  1. Thank you kind lady for your many blessings. Those journeys are all for our understanding and enlightenment, to create that inner love that eludes us until we ‘see’ through the pain that this life gives. But as you said, without it we would all be lost ❤
    May your year be in that understanding and love, and build further on the beauty that you have become ❤
    Happy New Year!!! ❤

  2. Happy New Year to you as well! So beautiful to see such good stuff that came after the crapstorm for you! Because the truth is, crapstorms are inevitable. But when you actually grow and learn from them – when they leave you better off than they found you – that’s precious. And an inspiration to those witnessing your journey. I’ll bet you’ve impacted countless others with your story. Celebrate tonight as the anniversary of your “2.0”. ❤️

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