Mama Bird

This morning I was quietly sitting at my kitchen table like I normally do with Buster pup at my feet when this little one caught my eye. Nestled in the Japanese Maple outside my kitchen window was a nest that I saw when I first toured this home and I took it for a sign. But last year, the nest fell into disarray and I’ll admit, it made me sad. What happened to the bird?

Two days ago, I caught sight of the robin on my window ledge, but I thought it was a fluke until yesterday and today when it landed again and again on the window ledge and then hopped into the foliage of the tree to work on the nest. Those of you who know me can imagine my delight and the huge grin on my face knowing that the robin is back to nest right outside my kitchen window in a safe spot!

I looked up the significance of robins and here’s what I found:

If a robin keeps visiting you in indicates good luck. According to myths and legends, Robins appear once a loved one is dead. Allegedly, the Robin is often seen after you encounter a loss of someone you love, who is the spirit of the deceased person trying to tell you not to worry and that they love you. A simple message from heaven, that this loved one is watching over you. Many people have proven this legend true. Robins also appear spiritually, to remind you to uncover the happiness. To see two robins consequently can indicate that you should share your knowledge. Robins are also associated with the end of an old phase and the entering of a new one. To see Robin means you need to let go of what no longer serves you and find something else to bring you joy and happiness. The Robin bird is encouraging you to be brave again. Click here for The Magic of Robin

Yesterday he even pecked at my window to let me know he was there! I looked it up and read all about how they see their reflection and think it’s another bird, but not this one. It was a rainy day and it hasn’t happened again today when it’s sunny! So I am going to believe that he just wanted my attention.

So, on the eve of Mother’s Day, I have to say how much I love this gift from Mother Nature! To feel as if my Mom and those who love me who have passed on are coming around? Well, that just makes The Presents of Presence even more special, don’t you think?

Shine On!


Osprey, Hawk, Eagle, Snake

It’s been awhile since I’ve had any avian encounters. When I first moved here, there were three vultures who hung out on the electrical lines in front of the house for a bit. Very strange, but they didn’t do anything, so I wasn’t afraid.

I have had a few hawk sightings too and if you search hawk you’ll find them. The above photo was taken by me yesterday, and it’s of an osprey couple in their nest nearby. We have a lot of osprey here and they are often photographed by professionals. You’ll see the photographers standing motionless with extra long lenses waiting for the perfect shot. Not like me though who just zooms and and clicks on her phone!

However, yesterday, I watched a bald eagle fly overhead with a snake dangling in his talons. The sight stopped me cold and unfortunately, I was unable to get a photo of it as proof, but I was able to find something similar below.

This is how I saw him flying overhead, but with a snake dangling in his talons. It was breathtakingly real. Definitely NOT an osprey, nor a hawk, as I’m used to seeing them. I wonder what message this sends? But, with the full pink moon going on tonight, who knows what this means?! I can only hope that it’s good news on the horizon!

I researched a bit about bald eagles here and there have been sightings like mine, so I know that what I saw was a bald eagle. How I wish I were faster in grabbing the phone camera instead of being so mesmerized by the moment, but perhaps that’s just me enjoying The Presents of Presence.

I hope all is well with you! Keep your heartlights shining! If you have any messages as to the spiritual meaning of what I saw, please don’t hesitate to share! Thank you!

Shine On!


Eclipse Reflections

I saw the eclipse yesterday and took the photo above to share with you. While you can tell it was cloudy, you can still glimpse the eclipse which I love! Did you get to see it too? Some of the photos online are fascinating, so I don’t feel like I missed anything, even with the cloud covering. I have friends who sent me videos of what it was like to be in the midst of it which was so cool! Speaking of cool, when the eclipse happened in our little neck of the woods, the temperatures dropped as well – I hadn’t thought of that part. Had you? I guess it was to be expected, but it hadn’t occurred to me, as I was just being in the moment…

The last solar eclipse I witnessed was in 2017 which kicked off a big change for me, so I’m anticipating the same again…I’m just staying open to what’s next…big grin! The next one to be seen in the US will occur in 2044 and who knows where I’ll be – so I’ll just enjoy this one for now!

I love learning and found this legend below last night and thought you might like it too!

The Sun and the Moon used to love each other, but because of their time differences, they don’t meet. So God created the eclipse for them to meet, so that people would know that there is no impossible love.

Japanese Legend

Shine On!


On a Rainy Tuesday Morning

I awoke way before the sun and laid in bed listening to the rain beating on the windowpanes outside my bedroom. It’s been quite a storm, likely to continue over the next few days. As I laid there awake, snuggled under my blankets, deciding if I really wanted to get up at such an early hour, I began to do what I love to do…think…because lately there’s so much going on in our world.

Alas, the idea of a delicious cup of coffee won out and I tiptoed downstairs, only to light a few twinkly white lights and write to you in the peaceful hours of the morning. I didn’t want to wake my sons, nor the pup. I really wanted this time alone to write. Because lately, life’s full of hubbub and there’s not a lot of time to just ‘be’ in the present moment and relax, think, and count our blessings. Are you finding that as well in your life?

Deep breath…there’s so much to share…to say…are you feeling it too? This strange energetic hubbub that exhausts us, coming up on another solar eclipse on the heels of the Spring Equinox? We just need to relax into it and allow it to pass through…hold on tight…this may be a bumpy ride…

Twinkly white lights and childlike wonder are my speciality. I have always been drawn to an early morning peaceful gratitude session. Knowing my sons are safe and asleep, tucked into their beds in my home has brought me much peace over the years. Someday when they fly the coop, I will still feel their presence here in the early mornings for as long as I can remember, it’s been this way…how many posts have I written where I was up before them, fingers flying over the keys, telling you how I’m feeling? Many, many…there are still some in the drafts. LOL

Today, I send you peace, love, light and healing…and a big ol’ umbrella – well, maybe that’s just for me, unless you need to share!

Shine On!


No Foolin’ April Rabbit Rabbit

Happy April 1st Rabbit Rabbit Day!

If you’ve been here for awhile, you know what to do – say rabbit-rabbit-white-rabbit-white-rabbit for I wish you a blessed April abundantly full of love, laughter, health and joy!

Also, it’s April Fool’s Day and while I don’t have any foolishness up my sleeve, I’m here to remind you to be aware of the tricksters out there – those funny bunnies that like to play jokes on you! Are you one of those who do that too? What’s your favorite April Fool’s memory? Please share!

May you continue to shine your heartlights on all! Our world needs more kindness and love…

Shine On!



Welcome Spring!!

It’s been a busy few weeks and being that it’s my birthday week (maybe even month?) because yes, I do love my birthday that much….I missed our Rabbit Rabbit on March 1st! However, I posted on Leap Day, so I figured I could let it slide. Hopefully you did remember Rabbit Rabbit?! If not, quickly say it now!

The first day of Spring is here! What a delight it is!! I bought this front door wreath a few years back and I remember showing it to my Mom who really liked the bunny so here it is!

I wish you all the loveliest of Springtimes (and for those down under, Autumns). May a new chapter spring to life in your world and may all the goodness be abundantly yours!

Shine On!


Happy Leap Day!

Leaping Lizards! Or better said, Leaping Hippos! It’s Leap Day! The one extra day we get every four years…what are you doing with yours?

I awoke this morning thinking of how far we’ve come in four years since the last Leap Day. I was thinking of all the changes in our lives and how they’ve affected our present day and our thinking. I’m not talking politics or any of that. Just simple changes. Because if you think back to four years ago, that was the Covid Pandemic – scary times for us and yet, for many of us we’re still here…God bless those whom we lost along the way. For me, it was my Mom in 2020 and still I miss her everyday.

Like Mom, I’m a worrier. As much as I long to say I give it all up to God to solve it, I’m a work in progress on that front. I long to be a let God solve it kind of girl, but I’ve yet to master that thinking. While I’ve definitely improved and certainly have read enough about how to let go and let God, I haven’t allowed myself to fully take that LEAP of Faith – instead I’ve been scrambling on the edge of what I’ve deemed safe. It’s a conundrum for sure – wanting to Leap, but feeling too frightened to do it.

Does that make sense to you? Do you ever feel that way?

But today, Leap Day, reminds me that we only have this one life and looking back to last Leap Day, we just never know how it will go. We only have today. This precious moment. The Presents of Presence…

So, do I want to take that Leap of Faith on Leap Day and quit worrying about everyone and everything, fold my hands in prayer and do my best, continue in the positive vein of thinking and pray, pray, pray? Or do I want to continue to worry, alone and with the immense responsibility all mine?

You can guess my answer, right?

This is so not how I thought this post would go, but I’m keeping it here…because perhaps it will inspire someone, for that’s my message. Let’s inspire one another. Connect. Share. Discover. Take that Leap on Leap Day!

Shine On!


PS: Thanks to @Sandra_Boynton for the beautiful image which gave me a giggle this morning and inspired me to write today…

A Day Late…

February 2nd was Women’s Heart Day and Wear Red Day which I totally missed. Who knew? Did you? I guess I should know about these things since it’s almost 2 years since my OHS (open heart surgery) for an aortic valve replacement due to a congenital heart deformation which I had no idea I had. But luckily for me, I can say thank you to Sandra Boynton coming to the rescue with her drawings…giggle giggle..Did you know that she celebrates Rabbit Rabbit too? I wonder if she learned it from me?

The spotlight’s on hearts in February so it’s only fitting to celebrate the heartlights I’ve been blessed to know and to love. I will even acknowledge those no longer in my life (but who secretly come to read my blogs – yes, I know you’re here LOL) who have taught me valuable life lessons. Because love can be unconditional, even when it no longer exists. I see you.

So cheers to a month of healthy hearts that embrace unconditionally the love we have for each other. Be who you are meant to be. Wear your beautiful heart on your sleeve and joyfully love with the entirety of it. Our time here is limited. We never quite know when it’s done, so live in the moment…no need for regrets. Just be you!

Shine your heartlights so we can all be inspired by you! Connections are your beautiful legacy!

Shine On!


February 1st

Hello February! You know what happens on the first, right? – Repeat after me rabbit-rabbit-white-rabbit-white-rabbit! How exciting that the second month of 2024 has begun! February – love is in the air – it’s a leap year – vibrational energies seem to be swirling in high modes – all fantastic ways to begin the month, don’t you think?

So even though it’s a bit late in the afternoon, I will amend the rule (like I did for my son so many years ago) and remind you to say the magic phrase…unless of course you remembered already?!

I wish you a month filled with love, laughter, health and happiness and LUCK of course! Big grin!

May you always remember how loved you are and that you are needed here to inspire the rest of us!

Keep shining your heartlights!

Shine On!


Let It Snow!

There’s a child-like delight which sparks me up every time it snows! I’ve been this way since I can remember. I LOVE SNOW!

I love to watch it fall – so gracefully to the earth.

I love to be out in it and try to catch the flakes on my tongue! LOL

I love to take the pup out in it and watch him interact with the fluffy white flakes that cover his fur as he tries to figure out what it is and dances around in it. Silly boy!

I love the special quiet hush a snowfall brings. I’m mesmerized by its beauty and that serenity that comes for me when it snows.

All is well in my world. I hope and pray that it is in yours as well.

Shine On! (Or shall I change it up to SNOW ON!)
