Tag Archive | mom has cancer

Lessons from Stepmom Before Dawn

stepmomScene from 1998 movie Stepmom ~ Ain’t No Mountain High Enough

I awoke early Friday morning.  So early in fact that it was still dark outside and the moon shone on the grass like the sun.  (which is why I’m including myself in the Daily Prompt). All was quiet in the house so I crept downstairs, careful not to awaken anyone, brewed myself a cup of coffee and turned on the TV.  I do enjoy that time of the day.  Just before dawn breaks and the world stirs into the action of the day.

As luck, synchronicity, coincidence would have it, the movie Stepmom began just as I settled in and I allowed myself the time to watch it with my full attention accompanied by our cat Tiffy who as always has to be in the know.

Someone recently told me that this was their favorite movie, so even though it’s been years since I’ve seen it, I wanted to re-watch it with new eyes.  Being a cancer survivor, it was heartbreaking to watch at times.  Being a Mom, it touched me in ways that I don’t think I can express.  Being a wife with cancer, it tugged at my soul.  I am not a Stepmom nor am I divorced, but the lessons learned were priceless.

1.  Enjoy the moment.  BE in the NOW.

2.  Things are just things.  People are priceless.  Treat them as such.

3.  Love can’t cure all, but it helps to try.

4.  Forgiveness is crucial in life.

5.  Dig deeper ~ people aren’t always who they seem to be.

6.  Do memorable activities with your family so that they will remember those good times.

7.  We all need friends and family.

8.  Be the person you want to be remembered as ~ don’t think people will remember you by how you wanted to act.  Act how you want to be remembered.

9.  Cherish the time you have with those whom you love.

10.  You are special.  You are loved.  Be grateful for all you have.

I’ve always loved the song, “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough,” but when I watched the movie this time, it touched me to the core of my soul.  So I thought I’d include it for you.  Perhaps you’ll feel the pull to dance around a bit yourself ~ smile ~ be grateful ~ touch those whom you love ~ and remember those who have passed.  Give the gift of yourself to someone else ~ a memory of you that will stay with them always.

Shine On!



Daily Prompt: The Golden Hour

6:00AM: the best hour of the day, or too close to your 3:00AM bedtime?
