Michelle’s Weekly Pet Challenge ~ Kitty Komfort

76211677_Tiffy in my arms, wrapped in my fuzzy sweater.

Now that the weather’s a bit brisk, my feline companion, 5 year old American Bobtail Tiffany, affectionately referred to as Tiffy, follows me around when I wear my morning comfy sweater.  There’s an urgency in her meow, a plaintive cry that demands being snuggled like a baby in a papoose for a few minutes every morning.  Usually I am able to get a swig of my first cup of coffee before she insists on being present with me for awhile.  And I must say, I do not mind at all.  It is our bonding time.  Her little furry body nestles in my arms, purring quite unabashedly as we simply breathe in the same rhythm and bond.  Her whole body resonates in that purr, vibrating at a timbre that my heart actually feels.  As her eyes close in bliss (and mine do as well), we just enjoy the Presents of Presence, the peacefulness before the hubbub of the day begins.

We just are ~ 2 souls who connect.

And isn’t that the way it should be with all of us, human and animal alike?  I unashamedly tell you this story, with the nagging feelings that you may name me ‘Crazy Cat Lady’ but I don’t mind.  The truth is that it’s a special moment that I cherish.  It’s the blessing of being open to accept and to give love unconditionally and I relish the daily feeding of my heart and soul.

It’s not to say that I don’t feel that way about my human family/children because I do.  But they are bigger now and don’t quite fit the same way anymore as Tiffy does in my arms.  Being teenagers, they are bigger than I am ~ and I’m not quite sure how they’d feel about me hopping up into their laps to be held baby-like wrapped in a soft sweater! LOL

So this morning, as you sip your tea or coffee, take a moment to imagine the universe embracing you with loving arms, snuggling you in its fuzzy sweater, a cherished soul wrapped in love.

You are special.  You are loved.

Shine On!



26 thoughts on “Michelle’s Weekly Pet Challenge ~ Kitty Komfort

  1. I buried my sweet old boy 4 weeks ago today and I miss those snuggling times, his purr…. his love. There is an emptiness I can’t even adequately describe.

  2. Too late for you to be named Crazy Cat Lady because I’ve already snagged that title! With 4 cats and no kids, it was bound to happen. One of my cats, Chrissy, demands to be held on a routine basis. If I don’t pick her up when she’s giving me the pitiful silent meow she will simply jump on me and claw her way up. She likes to snuggle and bury her face in my neck and “nurse.” I have more hickeys than a teenager! Another of my cats, Jack, does the same thing but only when I’m in bed. It is impossible to be anything but present when holding a purring kitty. It is better than any drug, and I am just as addicted. I love that Tiffy forces you to slow down and take a breath every morning. Many a problem dissolves in the rhythm of a purring kitty.

  3. Marley the Great Cat insists on sleeping on top of me, or C.C. His purr sounds like a volcano erupting. Getting to sleep can be challenging. But neither of us will move him.

    Thank you for the universal hug at the end — I’m smiling because our posts are so aligned — and my heart beats in harmony with yours. thank you Misi!

  4. Oh, how beautiful your words are and your Kitty is so cute 🙂 I feel the same when I wake up in the morning and see my little Furball lying next to me, looking at me with so much love in her eyes, waiting for her daily morning dose of cuddles, then I ask myself..who’s enjoying it more and I know the answer: we both do equally. Pawkisses 🙂

  5. Pingback: Michelle’s Weekly Pet Challenge: roundup for week 3 and the start of week 4 | Hope* the happy hugger

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