Autumn Winds


Autumn winds are beginning to blow here and the seasons are changing.  It’s dark and dreary outside with grey, rainy weather.  As I sit quietly in the house, I can hear the winds howling outside and through the fireplace in my family room.

At first, I questioned the noise as I haven’t previously had a real fireplace in my home.  But as the cats and I listened intently, I realized what the noise was.  You know how it is when you live in a new home.  Every season comes with nuances that are particular to that home.  The farm house has a bunch of them!  Also because I heard that the home wasn’t inhabited for a bit, I guess we are both getting used to each other.

I believe that places have energy too and I have done my best to inhabit this dwelling with love and kindness in my heart.  In turn, I think she (dare I pin a gender on a home?) is welcoming me too – even going so far as to keep me safe (see the post here).  Because it was the propane tank which smelled, urging me to call the gas company when there was no sign of a gas leak in the home and yet there were 3!  I feel like I was saved by the home.  Does that sound crazy?  Because really, there’s a comfort in that thought for me – although I will say that I think the Divine had a lot to do with it as well!

All I know is that it’s getting time to put the heat on as it’s slowly getting chilly here although sweatshirts and socks have done a fine job in the mornings.  (We don’t wear shoes in our home).  But soon it will be sweater weather!  I’m hoping that even though we have a fireplace which doesn’t seem to work, the heat will be enough to keep us warm.

And for the record, this morning, when I walked out to the family room, I noticed the battery operated candle behind the fireplace screen was lit.  There are two of them there and they are those remote controlled ones.  The right one was lit, the left one not.  I did not click the remote, nor was it moved.  I tried to turn the candle off via the remote, but it didn’t work.  The remote still worked with the other candle, but not this one, so I ended up manually turning it off.  But how in the world it was lit, I’ll never know.  Just another quirk to this house.


Candle lit by magic?

As I look out the windows to the farm across the street, I excitedly imagine how the snow will blow and cover the fields.  I think about all the shoveling I will be doing (ugh) and how I will miss my old neighborhood where we all took care of each other.  Out here, I have only met the neighbors briefly and have yet to meet the farmer.  But I have watched his big black and white dog (looks like an Australian shepherd) joyfully run across the now barren fields.  One of these days I want to play with that dog!  Did I ever mention how even though I am a cat owner, I LOVE big dogs?

I hope you have a lovely hump day…gosh I can’t believe it’s already Wednesday!

Shine On!





12 thoughts on “Autumn Winds

  1. It’s that time of year when the veil opens wide so there is a lot of passing through right now. I notice the battery in our cell phones gets drained more than usual this time of year – for you it’s odd candles lol. It sounds like you are living in a lovely spot and I’ll look forward to seeing snow posts….we don’t get that here! Miss the sparkle of the snow flakes in the sun. Hugs to you!

    • Hugs to you too Saymber. I felt like it was a message as well, but not sure what message it was. I will let you know if I get any more. In the meantime, it was sweet to see that candle in the morning. I took it as a sweet sign. I will post the snow when it comes! 🙂

  2. The changing of the seasons Misifusa are a blessing in disguise or we wouldn’t appreciate what went before. Plus who doesn’t love those cold nights in front of a toasty fireplace 😀
    May your snow be beautiful but not very deep 😀 And your neighborhood dog a big friendly bundle of love 😀

    • From your lips to God’s ears Mark! Thank you! I don’t mind shoveling a bit and I can’t wait to snuggle that pup one of these days – or a least maybe play fetch with him in the field or run with him or something! I will let you know when I finally get to meet him! 🙂

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