Tag Archive | people and animals

Rabbit Rabbit With Clover


I have a bunny whom I met when I first moved into the house.  He was a small brown rabbit, a baby.  I never saw him with any other bunnies.  We got used to each other over time and he has gotten to the point where he doesn’t run from me, although he doesn’t come near me either.  But we can sit companionably nearby whenever we meet.

He’s been sleeping under my porch as I have seen him hopping out from under it in the mornings which made me wonder – why?  I thought that bunnies lived in burrows.  But a good friend (thanks Mark!) told me that it’s the boy bunnies who tend to live above ground, leaving the momma and her babies to stay safely in the burrows.  So that makes sense to me and it makes me grateful for my porch which offers him shelter during the stormy weather.

I named my bunny Clover and although I don’t have a new photo of him to show you, you’ve seen him before here, and here .

Being that today is March 1st and our special Rabbit Rabbit, White Rabbit, White Rabbit day, I thought it fitting to share my Clover with you!

May your month of March be filled with love, light and healing —- and LUCK!

Shine On!
